👓 Confusion about indieweb | Richard MacManus

Read Confusion about IndieWeb by Richard MacManusRichard MacManus (ricmac.org)
Colin, you hit the nail on the head. The IndieWeb community has done brilliant work over the years, but I think 2017 is the year to make it easier for “the users” to tap into these Open Web technologies too. It feels quite similar to 2003/04 in that way.

👓 IWS Summary | Zegnat

Read Untitled ¶ Zegnåt (wiki.zegnat.net)
DAY 1 ===== Keynotes: • “we got building blocks” -- aaronpk, • “we have grown this last year” -- tantek, • “I built websites for 20 years but still do not code and want your tools to be easy” -- anomalily, • “I used my laptop to crawl the internet, it got hot, but now I have fancy network graphs” -- snarfed.

👓 A stream-of-consciousness review of the Indie Web’s onboarding experience | Aaron Patterson

Read A stream-of-consciousness review of the Indie Web’s onboarding experience by Aaron Patterson (aaroncommand.com)
This is my experience “indiewebifying” my personal WordPress site. A user test from a “Gen 1” UX guy who just heard about this stuff last week. Hopefully none of this comes across as too critical. I am REALLY impressed by what is already working.  This is my experience “indiewebifying” my personal WordPress site. A user test from a “Gen 1” UX guy who just heard about this stuff last week. Hopefully none...

👓 Medium and the Scourge of Persistent Sharing Dickbars | Daring Fireball

Read Medium and the Scourge of Persistent Sharing Dickbars by John GruberJohn Gruber (Daring Fireball)
When people click a URL and see that it’s a Medium site, their reaction should be “Oh, good, a Medium site — this will be nice to read.” Right now it’s gotten to the point where when people realize an article is on Medium, they think, “Oh, crap, it’s on Medium.”

👓 Depressed Me Coping With The Black & White World of Social Networks | savethis.space

Read Depressed Me Coping With The Black & White World of Social Networks by Christopher SikkengaChristopher Sikkenga (Save This Space.)
The last couple of months I’ve exiled myself from Twitter and Facebook. I do miss many individuals, but overall I don’t think those sites have been good for me. I felt like shouting my troubles into the void would be wasting time that I could be using to do something about them. The thing tha...

👓 Allow me to explain why we don’t need words like ‘mansplain’ | The Guardian

Read Allow me to explain why we don't need words like 'mansplain' by Liz Cookman (the Guardian)
The man-shaming portmanteau undermines feminism’s message of equality

👓 Is It Racist To ‘Call A Spade A Spade’? | NPR

Read Is It Racist To 'Call A Spade A Spade'? by Lakshmi Gandhi

What happens when a perfectly innocuous phrase takes on a more sinister meaning over time?

Case in point, the expression "to call a spade a spade." For almost half a millennium, the phrase has served as a demand to "tell it like it is." It is only in the past century that the phrase began to acquire a negative, racial overtone.

Historians trace the origins of the expression to the Greek phrase "to call a fig a fig and a trough a trough." Exactly who was the first author of "to call a trough a trough" is lost to history. Some attribute it to Aristophanes, while others attribute it to the playwright Menander. The Greek historian Plutarch (who died in A.D. 120) used it in Moralia.The blogger Matt Colvin, who has a Ph.D. in Greek literature, recently pointed out that the original Greek expression was very likely vulgar in nature and that the "figs" and "troughs" in question were double entendres.

👓 Why Microformats | David Shanske

Read Why Microformats by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (david.shanske.com)
I’ve spent some time on this site commenting on the use of various Indieweb concepts, but I haven’t really touched on Microformats. Microformats just turned 11 years old. Microformats are human-readable markup that are easily human readable as well as machine readable. They appear as classes att...

👓 RicMac, part II | Scripting

Read June 23, 2017 by Dave Winer (Scripting News)
  • Richard MacManus keeps on truckin. There's nothing more powerful than a persistent and curious user who's relatively fearless. #
  • In a follow-up post I learned that there is an IndieWeb-approved feed reader called Woodwind. That's good news. RSS and related technolgies, including OPML import and export, are essential components of the open web. #
  • BTW, to Richard, I wrote up my rules for standards-makers, based on experience re what (imho) is important and what works and doesn't. Another item for your consideration. #

👓 “How Do I Get a Job at Automattic?” | Ryan Markel

Read “How Do I Get a Job at Automattic?” by Ryan Markel (Ryan Markel)
I get about a half-dozen emails a year via my contact form asking me this question or asking related questions, like how to craft a resume, or what it’s like to work at Automattic. I thought I’d jot something down so I can just send a link the next time this happens, as my advice hasn’t chan...

👓 How Twitter, Micro.blog & Mastodon could team up to compete with Facebook | AltPlatform

Read How Twitter, Micro.blog & Mastodon could team up to compete with Facebook by Brian Hendrickson (AltPlatform)

There’s a good reason for the “@“ character in the middle of your email address. It separates the two parts: your user name and your web site. Someday you might see something similar on social networking sites – Mark Zuckerberg could write on Facebook and mention Jack Dorsey “hey jack@twitter.com” and Jack could write back from Twitter “hi mark@facebook.com!” — that would be the Silicon Valley equivalent of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson’s first telephone call. When small social networks like Twitter and Google Plus start to interoperate with open source networks and blogs, they could eventually form a large enough base of users to “flip the iceberg” and have more usage than the dominant, non-interoperable player: Facebook.

On micro-blogs like Twitter, the @mention (“at-mention”) is the way to link to another micro-blogger by user name. Facebook has a similar mention feature for calling out friends by name. But these versions of mention technology are missing the “web site” aspect, because they only work within one site.

On open source micro-blogs like Mastodon, cross-site mentions are already working – and for blogs it’s easy to install a Webmention plugin. These are the beginnings of what could eventually be a large collection of sites interoperating.

In 2008 the micro-blogging community proposed that Twitter interoperate with the micro-blog networks of the time. Twitter today could allow Mastodon and Micro.blog users to “follow” updates from its micro-bloggers. The Twitter search engine could aggregate updates from many different networks. Micro-blogging at Twitter would be a first-class open web experience, if it interoperated with other micro-blogs.

Open source tools like WordPress, 1999.io and Mastodon.social are creating many small networks of publishers, and popular tools like Twitter and Micro.blog could peer with them. If all of the social networks outside of Facebook interoperated at some level, they might eventually “flip the iceberg” and become the dominant form of social networking.

👓 22/06/2017, 06:20 | Colin Walker

Read a post by Colin Walker (colinwalker.blog)

Liked: IndieWeb podcast club, posted June 22, 2017...

Eli suggests that bloggers could come together for an "Indieweb Podcast Club" - like a book club but for Podcasts.

The idea is someone posts about a specific podcast episode, others read that post, listen to the same episode and then a conversation ensues between posts.

I think that's a great idea!

A number of folks have previously listed what podcasts they are listening to so I think I'll start with that and see if this goes anywhere.

👓 I really like the idea of an IndieWeb podcast club (or any o | John Johnston

Read a post by John JohnstonJohn Johnston (John's World Wide Wall Display)
I really like the idea of an IndieWeb podcast club (or any other kind of podcast club). I’ve been listening to more podcasts lately. A club would aid discussion & discovery.