Replied to Sucking up the podcasts I've listened to: Days to save minutes by Jeremy Cherfas (
Finally, I have succeeded in importing all the podcasts I have listened to with the Overcast app, at least as far back as May 2018.
Congratulations! I have to say I’m a bit jealous, but sadly Overcast is Apple only…

👓 An error unexplained | Jeremy Cherfas

Read An error unexplained by Jeremy Cherfas (
Well, that was weird. Something had gone wrong with my little PHP script for adding items from my list at to my WithKnown-powered stream. It ran, reported no errors, and yet produced nothing at the other end. Gorgeous Saturday morning, blue skies and sunshine; what better way to spend it than indoors debugging?

🔖 Schedule | Domains 2019

Bookmarked Schedule – Domains 2019 | June 10-11 in Durham, NC (

Domains 2019 is a two-day conference on 2019-06-10 - 2019-06-11 geared toward Indieweb for Education, A Domain of One's Own, and EdTech spaces. Sessions will focus on learning tools, data ownership, IndieWeb, containers and the cloud, privacy and surveillance, accessibility, and art. It will be held at 21c Museum Hotel in Durham, North Carolina, USA

Please visit to register for the conference.

Notice the indie web sessions at this conference geared toward the education crowd.

👓 A rough sketch for an Indieweb plugin UX update |

Read A rough sketch for an Indieweb plugin UX update by apatters (
Some ideas I threw together for an updated Getting Started screen. Introduces the user to the IndieWeb concept, presents prominent next steps for ‘Indiewebifying’ their site and learning more. Eliminates the need for the Extensions page.
I like the idea that this simplifies things and potentially gets rid of an additional tab/page.

👓 My First Website | Kevin Marks

Read My First Website 2014-10-29 by Kevin Marks (
The first packets sent on what was to become the Internet happened 45 years ago today: The very first transmission on the ARPANET, on October 29, 1969, was the logon from UCLA to SRI. The first website was posted earlier, but the w3c was founded 20 years ago today too., and there is a gala celebrati...

👓 Inoreader is meer dan een RSS lezer | Digging the Digital | Frank Meeuwsen

Read Inoreader is meer dan een RSS lezer by Frank Meeuwsen (Digging the Digital)
Ik gebruik Inoreader al een paar jaar maar ik wist niet dat het mogelijk was om er nieuwsbrieven in te ontvangen. Je kunt een specifieke tag aanmaken waarna je een uniek mailadres krijgt. Met dat mailadres kun je je op allerlei nieuwsbrieven abonneren en deze dus in je feedreader krijgen. https://di...
I use Inoreader a lot and never noticed it did emails to pull in newsletters! This is awesome!
Replied to Bookmark: Using Inoreader as an IndieWeb feed reader by Frank MeeuwsenFrank Meeuwsen (Digging the Digital)
Ik onderzoek weer hoe ik deze pagina’s beter kan gebruiken als een commonplace book, een plaats waar ik allerlei gedachten, ideeën en losse flodders kan plaatsen met minimale barrieres. Het is een rode draad in mijn blog-ontwikkeling en ik denk dat het een belangrijk element wordt op de IndieWebC...
[Rough English translation for convenience]
I am researching how I can better use these pages as a commonplace book , a place where I can place all kinds of thoughts, ideas and loose pieces with minimal barriers. It is a common thread in my blog development and I think it will be an important element at the IndieWebCamp barcamp for me.
Frank, in case you haven’t come across it yet, there is a stub page on the IndieWeb wiki about using our websites as digital commonplace books. Hopefully it will have some useful information, articles, and examples for you to use as you continue hacking. Feel free to add your own thoughts to it as you experiment.

While I do like the way that WordPress makes it easy for one to create link previews by simply putting a URL into the editor (as in your example), I’ve generally shied away from it as it relies on oEmbed and doesn’t necessarily put the actual text into your site. (Not all websites will provide this oEmbed functionality either.) I mention this because a lot of the benefit of having a commonplace is the ability to easily search it. If your post only has a title and a URL, without careful tagging it may be much harder to come back and discover what you were searching for later.

I’ve started an article on how I’m using my website as one, but still have a way to go before I finish it. A big portion of my workflow relies on the Post Kinds Plugin and its available bookmarklet functionality. There are also a lot of nice Micropub clients like Omnibear that making bookmarking things quick and easy too.

In the erstwhile, I ‘ll note that on my own site, I tag things relating to my own commonplace (thinking about and building it) as “commonplace book” and for examples of other peoples’ commonplaces, I usually use the plural tag “commonplace books“. These may also give you some ideas.

With respect to the Medium article which you linked, I’ve seen a recurring theme among bloggers (and writers in general) who indicate that they use their websites as “thought spaces”. Others may use similar or related phraseology (like “thinking out loud”) but this seems to be the most common in my experience. Toward that end, I’ve been bookmarking those articles that I’ve read with the tag “thought spaces“. Some of those notes and websites may also give you some ideas related to having and maintaining an online commonplace book.

👓 Bookmark: Using Inoreader as an IndieWeb feed reader | Digging the Digital

Read Bookmark: Using Inoreader as an IndieWeb feed reader by Frank Meeuwsen (Digging the Digital)
Ik onderzoek weer hoe ik deze pagina’s beter kan gebruiken als een commonplace book, een plaats waar ik allerlei gedachten, ideeën en losse flodders kan plaatsen met minimale barrieres. Het is een rode draad in mijn blog-ontwikkeling en ik denk dat het een belangrijk element wordt op de IndieWebC...

📑 Context challenges between #indieweb and social media silos | David John Mead

Annotated Context challenges between #indieweb and social media silos by David MeadDavid Mead (David John Mead)

On my blog it has context. You can see all the other eat/drink posts on thier own or mixed in with everything else. I can include links to the place where I bought it, who makes it, or related posts.Instagram's context is its a photo with an optional description. It doesn't matter what it's of. It won't contain links to anything.  

❤️ hummearth tweeted @NurtureGirl @kevinmarks @adamjorlen Oh, what an interesting educational thread! Tools to pull and interact with social media is definitely something to explore & integrate down the road. Especially for us at #Humm – aiming to build an agent-centric self-publishing platform. We’ll definitely check #indieweb.

Liked a tweet by Humm.EarthHumm.Earth (Twitter)

🔖 Humm | Simple self-publishing: a distributed platform for free creative expression

Bookmarked Humm | Simple self-publishing: a distributed platform for free creative expression (Humm)
Simple self-publishing: a distributed platform for free creative expression on Humm…
Looks like an interesting author platform meant that could be used for journalism as well. Has a very IndieWeb flavor.