Replied to The future of the web, isn't the web by Terence Eden (
My friends, and former employers, at the Government Digital Service have written a spectacularly good blog post "Making GOV.UK more than a website". In it, they describe how adding markup to their website has allowed search engines to extract semantic content and display it to a user. For...
This reminds me of Drew McLellan’s talk from 2006 Can Your Website be Your API? or Jeremy Keith’s slightly more recent talk The Spirit Of The Web from 2012 which I’d listened to recently.

I like the idea of experimenting into some of these new areas, but I’m worried about who owns some of these gateways and how they treat the data–both from the perspective of the site owners as well as from the users who are encouraged to access data through them. How do our power structures change based these new modalities? Is it responsible?

Read Who sponsors Drupal development? (2018-2019 edition) by Dries BuytaertDries Buytaert (
An in-depth analysis of how Drupal's development was sponsored between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.
I love the depth and reflection Dries puts into this report. Having recently watched the State of the Word for WordPress, I wonder if WordPress publishes these sorts of numbers and analysis? Could they in the future?
Read No, Absolutely Not by Robin RendleRobin Rendle (CSS-Tricks)
I think the difference between a junior and senior front-end developer isn't in their understanding or familiarity with a particular tech stack, toolchain, or whether they can write flawless code. Instead, it all comes down to this: how they push back against bad ideas.
Read cPanel unleashes price hikes on its most dense customers by Richard SpeedRichard Speed (The Register)
Yeah - because hardware is better these days, we're going to need to charge you more. Much, much more...
cPanel has dropped a bombshell on its customers with a price hike for its services that has left some running for the door marked exit.
This must be why I saw Tim tweet this a few days ago:

👓 How To Make Your WordPress Admin Columns Sortable | Rachel Cherry

Read How To Make Your WordPress Admin Columns Sortable by Rachel CherryRachel Cherry (
Custom WordPress admin columns can be pretty helpful for quickly viewing, and managing, your content from the main edit screen. So why not take the action up a notch by making your columns sortable?
I know that David Shanske has some work like this on his roadmaps for some of the IndieWeb plugin back ends, so I’m tagging him in the offhand chance that he can swipe some code and borrow the examples.

👓 12 Best WordPress Books for Learning the Platform | Beaver Builder

Read 12 Best WordPress Books for Learning the Platform (Beaver Builder)
If you're new to WordPress, there are a lot of resources that can help. Let's explore twelve of the best books on the market for learning WordPress!
A few interesting things in here. I particularly like the idea that all of them are more recent/modern.

📑 Using File Manager for Image Changes | Extend Activity Bank

Annotated Using File Manager for Image Changes (Extend Activity Bank)
When I reload my site in a web browser, I should now see my new image in the background:  
but be sure to delete your cache!

🔖 Pravatar – CC0 Avatar Placeholder

Bookmarked Pravatar by Simon AsikaSimon Asika (
CC0 Avatar placeholders
This is a pretty slick little tool for generating random avatars when necessary.

Just to try it out, I’m using it for Simon’s avatar on this page, so refreshing the page should automatically change it.


Bookmarked oldweb-today/netcapsule (GitHub)
Browse old web pages the old way with virtual browsers in the browser
Hat tip:

👓 Unwalled.Garden: souped-up RSS for P2P social apps | Paul Frazee

Read Unwalled.Garden: souped-up RSS for P2P social apps by Paul Frazee (
Beaker is an experimental peer-to-peer Web browser. In this post, I will describe a new files-oriented protocol we are developing called Unwalled.Garden which will drive the applications stack for Beaker sites.

👓 Accueil — Systemic design & UX research | Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard

Read Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard (Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard — Systemic design & UX research)
Designer systémique, facilitatrice, oratrice, mentor, moteur d'écosystèmes, écoféministe intersectionnelle. J'appréhende le complexe pour comprendre, converger, structurer et construire. Je donne des conférences et je publie sur mon métier et sur des thématiques comme le burnout ou l'anthropocène. Mes valeurs conduisent ma pratique du métier et je pratique un design inclusif et éthique. Depuis bientôt 15 ans, j'aide les personnes et les organisations à définir leurs fondamentaux et leurs objectifs et à…

👓 W3C and the WHATWG signed an agreement to collaborate on a single version of HTML and DOM |

Read W3C and the WHATWG signed an agreement to collaborate on a single version of HTML and DOM by Coralie Mercier (
Today W3C and the WHATWG signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of a single version of the HTML and DOM specifications. The Memorandum of Understanding jointly published as the WHATWG/W3C Joint Working Mode gives the specifics of this collaboration. This is the...

👓 Unloved Patches |

Read Unloved Patches (
For a long time I have admired the WordPress project, for developing such a robust blogging platform that is ultimately open, and free, and anybody can contribute improvements to it. I encourage many of my customers to use WordPress with MarsEdit, because it seems like a "safe bet" going forward. M
I’ve heard this story too often before and it just pains me to no end…