Read The things we do to read emoji by Malcolm BlaneyMalcolm Blaney (
Ok I totally stole the title from this article, which was really good and help me fix my problems so I wanted to link to it. I recently upgraded all my servers from Jessie to Stretch, which was long overdue. The catalyst being that certbot from Let's Encrypt started complaining about the security I...

👓 The worst design of 2016 was also the most effective | Duncan Stephen

Read a post (Duncan Stephen)

The worst design of 2016 was also the most effective — Diana Budds, Fast Company

Why Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again hat, was a wildly successful design, despite being reviled by gatekeepers of good-taste design.

The “undesigned” hat represented this everyman sensibility, while Hillary [Clinton]’s high-design branding — which was disciplined, systematic, and well-executed — embodied the establishment narrative that Trump railed against and that Middle America felt had failed them. “The DIY nature of the hat embodies the wares of a ‘self-made man’ and intentionally distances itself from well-established and unassailable high-design brand systems of Hillary and Obama,” Young says. “Tasteful design becomes suspect… The trucker cap is as American as apple pie and baseball.”

This reminds me of the story that the most “tasteful” office spaces are less productive. When given a clean-looking office cubicle, people fill it with garden gnomes.

I don’t agree with the article’s premise that this challenges the idea of design thinking. Surely it means that Hillary Clinton’s designers simply didn’t do a good enough job at it (because nice typefaces ≠ design thinking).

But this does provide a challenge to the received wisdom of what good design is, and whether tasteful design is desirable.

Read a post by Stephen Pieper (
Bookmarked The ultimate guide to DuckDuckGo - (
If you don’t already have the scoop, it’s the search engine that can serve as a complete replacement for Google (and Bing and whatever else you like), except it respects your privacy and security. And while Google does some cool tricks, DuckDuckGo does some even better ones.
I switched over to DuckDuckGo for searches a few months ago. There’s a lot of stuff here I didn’t know about especially “bangs” which look really useful.

👓 Photos | Tom MacWright

Read Photos by Tom MacWright (
My photos are on now: /photos. I don’t like Instagram. I know that other people like it: they found a community there. They keep in touch with family. They share interests and life events. But I just don’t: I don’t like how browsing Instagram makes me feel. I don’t like how it shapes my photos, how it works as a product. I don’t like that it’s a Facebook company. How it doesn’t have critical APIs. You can’t cross-post to Instagram without using the app. By creating my own place to post photography, I can start to like taking photos again. I can feel like my process of taking film photos, scanning them, and putting them on the web is worthwhile. That learning how to tweak camera raw in Capture One is fun. I can post just a photo or two a month. I don’t want to engage, I want to create.
Tom has a great sketch for how he’s owning his own photos on his own website.

👓 Following Twitter peeps in an indiereader with and Microsub | Neil Mather

Read Following Twitter peeps in an indiereader with and Microsub by Neil MatherNeil Mather (doubleloop)
My online social experience is mostly through the indieweb. For following people and blogs, I use Aperture, a Microsub server, to subscribe to various social feeds. And then I read and interact with those feeds in various clients – e.g. Indigenous on Android, and Monocle on the web. Although I don...
I haven’t migrated over to a microsub-based reader yet, but this is an excellent description of some tools for freeing yourself from reading friends and family in Twitter.
Read a post by Daniel Goldsmith (View from ASCRAEUS)

I’ve been happily noodling around the interstices of the web of late.

I’m still super happy with my nanoreader and using it everyday has reminded me of the beauty of plaintext. Text is content.

In that spirit, I’ve gone back to using gopher. I’ve finally got what I missed when I wrote about this three years ago - text doesn’t need to be the web! Text can just be itself, text should just be itself. My previous effort missed this fundamental principle, and looking back now, I can see that this was largely to blame for my walking away from that experiment.

Coming back to the idea of gopher, with that in mind, has been liberating.

Some of my content (not my microposts) is available on gopher, as this post will be. I’ve been doing this for a few weeks now, feeling my way into an area I once knew well, and I’m satisfied with the results.

I’d love to hear from anyone else who’s using gopher, or who’s using older text-focused network systems in interesting ways. I still want to love the web. I still want to find communities working to deliver on the promise there once was in this technology.

I seem to be seeing a lot of resurgence around Gopher in the past couple of months…
Read a post by Daniel Goldsmith (View from ASCRAEUS)

I wanted a simple self-hosted read-it-later service, something akin to Instapaper and Pocket, but without the overheads involved in running something like Wallabag.

Failing to find one, I wrote my own, and have just released it to the wilds.

It is very very simple, and uses Andres Rey’s php port of Mozilla’s Readability.js to grab pages for reading. There’s no interface to speak of, just a lightweight api with POST and a DELETE calls exposed. All files are saved as flat html, with a json index. No databases.

While writing it I’ve been prototyping it on my own site, and have been loving the experience. Its like the web, but the way it should be. If anyone else finds it useful, that’s a bonus.

👓 An error unexplained | Jeremy Cherfas

Read An error unexplained by Jeremy Cherfas (
Well, that was weird. Something had gone wrong with my little PHP script for adding items from my list at to my WithKnown-powered stream. It ran, reported no errors, and yet produced nothing at the other end. Gorgeous Saturday morning, blue skies and sunshine; what better way to spend it than indoors debugging?

👓 The spam technology ecosystem expands | Language Log

Read The spam technology ecosystem expands by Mark Liberman (Language Log)
Wikipedia describes as a for-profit "social networking site for academics", whose misleading .edu domain name "was registered in 1999, prior to the regulations requiring .edu domain names to be held solely by accredited post-secondary institutions". For my part, I'd describe as "a source of large volumes of annoying unsolicited email".

👓 Alan B. Krueger, Economic Aide to Clinton and Obama, Is Dead at 58 | New York Times

Read Alan B. Krueger, Economic Aide to Clinton and Obama, Is Dead at 58 (
A labor economist, Princeton scholar, Treasury official and chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. The police said the cause was suicide.

👓 Alan Krueger, prominent Princeton economist, passes away | Princeton

Read Alan Krueger, prominent Princeton economist, passes away (Princeton University)
Princeton University is saddened to share that Alan Krueger, James Madison Professor of Political Economy, passed away over the weekend.  Alan was recognized as a true leader in his field, known and admired for both his research and teaching.  

🔖 The appeal of newsletters: ownership and intimacy |

Bookmarked The appeal of newsletters: ownership and intimacy (One Man & His Blog)
A couple of interesting thoughts from Craig Mod about the underlying reasons behind the shift to newsletters.

🔖 Running a bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL | Piers Cawley

Bookmarked Running a bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL by Piers CawleyPiers Cawley (
Just over a year ago now, I finally opened the bakery I’d been dreaming of for years. It’s been a big change in my life, from spending all my time sat in front of a computer, to spending most of it making actual stuff. And stuff that makes people happy, at that. It’s been a huge change, but I can’t think of a single job change that’s ever made me as happy as this one.