👓 To Save Net Neutrality, We Must Build Our Own Internet | Motherboard

Read To Save Net Neutrality, We Must Build Our Own Internet (Motherboard)
We must end our reliance​ on big telecom monopolies and build decentralized, affordable, locally owned internet infrastructure.
This could make an interesting small project. Reminds me of stories about Claude Shannon making his own telephone set up by electrifying barbed wire fences in his youth.

👓 Talk: “Designing away the cookie disclaimer” by Sebastian Greger

Read Talk: “Designing away the cookie disclaimer” (sebastiangreger.net)
This is the transcript of my lightning talk from the beyond tellerrand Berlin pre-conference warm-up on 6 November 2017. It was a condensed version of my longer, work-in-progress and upcoming talk on privacy as a core pillar of ethical UX design. If you are interested in the final talk or know about a conference or event that might be, I’d be thrilled to hear from you.
It’s sad the amount of not caring that both laws and apathy on the internet can make your life just dreadful in ways that it shouldn’t.

I love the fact that people are working on solving these seemingly mundane issues. This is a great little presentation Sebastian!

🎞 Watched Snowden (2016)

Watched Snowden (2016) from Open Road Films
Directed by Oliver Stone. With Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Melissa Leo, Zachary Quinto. The NSA's illegal surveillance techniques are leaked to the public by one of the agency's employees, Edward Snowden, in the form of thousands of classified documents distributed to the press.
This was far more interesting than I had expected. It certainly humanized Snowden far better than any of the stories I’ve seen thus far.


🎙 A microcast about microcasts in under an hour

A microcast about microcasts in under an hour
I’ve wanted to create a podcast for a long time, but the effort involved just seemed like too much. So using my own website, I thought I’d see what I could come up with in under an hour in terms of creation and posting. Here’s the first “episode” of my microcast which I’ve conceived of, created, and posted in under an hour with equipment I happen to have on hand:

Running time: 9m 45s | Download (3.90 MB) | Subscribe by RSS | Huffduff

👓 Diplomats Sound the Alarm as They Are Pushed Out in Droves | New York Times

Read Diplomats Sound the Alarm as They Are Pushed Out in Droves by Gardiner Harris (New York Times)
A State Department exodus marks a new stage in the broken and increasingly contentious relationship between Rex W. Tillerson and much of his work force.

👓 A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance | The Nib

Read A GoFundMe Campaign Is Not Health Insurance (The Nib)
My friend died $50 short. It doesn’t have to be that way.
This is just a heartbreaking cartoon. I hope everyone will read it in full.

This is one of the most subtly poigniant panels:

“We eulogize [the fact that Americans help each other] in literature and art instead of political theory.”

👓 WordPress is a Typewriter by Jack Baty

Read WordPress is a Typewriter by Jack Baty (baty.net)
Using WordPress makes me feel like that boy at the Type-In. I feel like the words are going right onto the paper. Sure, the metaphor is a little thin, but the point is that when writing with WordPress (or any CMS, really), the distance between what I’m typing and what I’m publishing is very short. The only thing closer is editing HTML directly on a live page, but that’s something only crazy people do. On the other hand, publishing a static site is like sending a document to a printer. I have to make sure everything is connected, that there’s paper in the machine, and then wait for the job to finish before seeing the output. If something needs editing, and something always needs editing, the whole process starts over.
I’ve never thought of it in these terms, but there is a nice immediacy and satisfaction to WordPress for this reason. (Though naturally one shouldn’t compose in their CMS in any case.)

I might submit that his issue is a deeper one about on which platform and where to publish though given that he’s got almost as many personal websites as I do social silos. The tougher part for him is making a decision where to publish and why in addition to all the overhead of maintaining so many sites. However, I’m not one to point fingers here since I’ve got enough sites of my own, so I know his affliction.

👓 I’m on the FCC. Please stop us from killing net neutrality | LA Times

Read I'm on the FCC. Please stop us from killing net neutrality (Los Angeles Times)
The FCC's plan to gut net neutrality deserves a heated response from the millions of Americans who work and create online every day.
Other than the simple “it will spur investment”, what exactly is Ajit Pai’s argument for getting rid of net neutrality? Where is it? I suspect that the only reason there’s no coverage of it anywhere amidst all the turmoil is that it doesn’t exist.

Most communities, even in major cities, only have one provider at best, so there’s absolutely no competition to begin with. Why not start with fixing that first?! In fact, that necessarily needs to be dealt with first before a bone-headed idea like killing net-neutrality.

What an awesome housewarming gift!!Thanks @kevin_mcmanus and @karenmhm

What an awesome housewarming gift!! Thanks @kevin_mcmanus and @karenmhm! #Altadena

What an awesome housewarming gift!! Thanks @kevin_mcmanus and @karenmhm

Instagram filter used: Clarendon

Photo taken at: Altadena, California

🔖 NativeLand.ca

Bookmarked NativeLand.ca - Our home on native land (Native-land.ca)
Welcome to Native Land. This is a resource for North Americans (and others) to find out more about local indigenous territories and languages.
I ran across this over the Thanksgiving holiday. It would be cool to have more maps like this that spanned the globe as well as searchable by time span as well.