Learned a very relatable term today: “報復性熬夜” (revenge bedtime procrastination), a phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours.
— Daphne K. Lee is out of office (@daphnekylee) June 28, 2020
Month: July 2020
Thanks, as ever, to the inimitable Alex Vasquez for hosting the WordPress Pasadena General Meetup last night. It’s always good to see everyone!
I’m most excited to learn about the upcoming WordCamp Los Angeles Online. Can’t wait to see what the speaker line up will look like. Are you going to submit a talk?
Have you ever wanted to write a love letter to your bank? No? Well, you’re a fucking nincompoop. Then how do you explain this?
Wednesday, July 1, 2020 6:00 - 7:30pm (America/Los_Angeles)
Because Tantek said I should RSVP since I’m already in attendance.

Excellent first day yesterday at IndieWebCamp West with site demos that inspired and sessions that informed. I saw several folks with light/dark color theme selectors on their sites so that's my primary task for today's "hands-on" project day. I also got some great glimpses at site automation tools ...

Success! As the result of today's project day at IndieWebCamp West I now have a working color scheme selector. In the upper right corner of this page you'll see a slider that'll let you choose a light or dark color scheme for this and every other page on my site. Most of the implementation is nearly...

In his rapid ascent to the top of his field, James Maynard has cut a path through simple-sounding questions about prime numbers that have stumped mathematicians for centuries.
A paragraph or two on some of the more technical aspects would have been better than some of the hero-worship and seeming lone-genius narrative that was developed here. Use the particulars about the person to develop some interest in the mathematics and its history.
The Covid-19 infodemic taught social media giants like YouTube and Reddit an important lesson: They can—and must—take action to control the content on their sites.
The social media company has taken steps toward reining in Trump. It’s too little, too late.
We need to reimagine the social network or find a way to survive its dominance.

President Trump’s reelection message is that white America is under siege — that white Americans are on the losing end of a race war. But what if white America — or, at least, a large chunk of it — isn’t buying the story that Trump is peddling?
The decision reversed a lower court’s ruling that had temporarily halted publication of the book by the president’s niece, but it didn’t address whether she violated a confidentiality agreement.
The hacker has attempted to ransom nearly 47% of all MongoDB databases left exposed online.
Law enforcement needs to protect those who prioritize their sworn duties above loyalty to their peers.
Some children are having a delayed immune reaction after getting infected. The extent of the condition is just coming into view.