Not one single trans person is quoted in this @nytimes article about the Equality Act passing today, but they did give three extreme anti-trans bigots a chance to spread hatred. Do better.
— Ari Drennen (@AriDrennen) February 25, 2021
Month: February 2021
“We now understand that we should never have published this series as reported.”
— I was raised by a cup of internet (@DavidWolfpaw) February 25, 2021
Can’t wait to try out Velox as an IndieWeb friendly theme!
i think digital washi tape should be a thing
— may-li khoe (@mayli) February 26, 2021
i don't know how yet
but i want it
My new inspiration for, well, everything
— Declan Cashin (@Tweet_Dec) February 26, 2021
A tenure-track professor at a California community college is on leave and under investigation after video of him speaking critically to a hard-of-hearing student during an online class made the rounds on social media.
Professors definitely need some training of their own to be more aware of accessibility issues that their students face.
Under a Reconstruction-era statute, a new lawsuit aims to hold former President Donald Trump and others responsible for the events of Jan. 6. But can it succeed?
A wonderful and fairly deep analysis of the legal ins-and-outs of this situation.
It’s just too toxic on Twitter. The continued trolling was hurting our team, our hosts, and our business, so we decided, as a team, to pack up and move out. I don’t know about you, but I always found Twitter mildly disturbing. I won’t miss it (any more than I miss Facebook).
This is the first reference to Dispo I’ve come across.
New challengers approach.
The Australien Government has made an ad about the new Media legislation it just passed, and it's surprisingly honest and informative.
This is a clever and fun UI for implementing likes that seems on-brand for the website owner.