June 3, 2020 at 6:00pm–7:30pm Online
Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web. Whether you’re a blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, this meetup is for you.
Category: Events
ONLINE: Homebrew Website Club West Coast on May 13, 2020
Join the Zoom call
We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20-30 minutes before the meetup here and in the IndieWeb chat. Here’s the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85315852710?pwd=OGlSSTQxV1A3blVmR2Y3R21XOW1FZz09
Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web. Whether you’re a blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, this meetup is for you.
- Demos of personal website breakthroughs
- Discussion around the independent web
- Get to know other members of the IndieWeb!
- Create or update your personal web site!
- Finish that blog post you’ve been working on!
Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!
RSVP (optional)
If your website supports it, post an indie RSVP. Or simply post a comment below. If none of that means anything to you, don’t worry about it; just show up!
Now weekly!
Check https://events.indieweb.org for next week’s meetup! There are some meetups in European and US Eastern timezones as well.
Gardens and Streams: Wikis, Blogs, and UI—a pop up IndieWebCamp session
Session Topic
We’ll be discussing and brainstorming ideas related to wikis and the IndieWeb, user interfaces, functionalities, examples of wikis and how they differ from blogs and other social media interfaces, and everyones’ ideas surrounding these. Bring your ideas and let’s discuss.
- Hashtag: #GardenAndStream
- Session facilitator: Chris Aldrich
This is just a single one hour IndieWebCamp-like session (though we have the option to go over a bit since there isn’t a session following us) where we’ll brainstorm and discuss a particular topic. Hopefully the weekend time will be convenient for a wide range of people in Europe and North America who have previously shown interest in the topic. Everyone is welcome to attend.
To prepare for the session we’ll be using the following:
- Zoom: for the audio/video conference portion
- Etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/GardenAndStream (for real time chat, questions, and note taking during the session)
See also: https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamps/Attending#Technology
This event is covered by the IndieWeb Code of Conduct. By participating, you’re acknowledging your acceptance of this code.
Questions? Concerns?
Feel free to ask in the IndieWeb chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/indieweb/
RSVP (optional)
If your website supports it, post an indie RSVP. Or, log in to indieweb.org and click “I’m Going”. (And if none of that means anything to you, don’t worry about it; just show up!)
Join the Zoom call: link to come
We will provide a Zoom video conference link 20 minutes before the meetup here and in the IndieWeb chat.
Homebrew Website Club is a meetup for anyone interested in personal websites and a distributed web. Whether you’re a blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, this meetup is for you.
6:00pm–7:00pm Quiet writing hour
- Finish that blog post you’ve been working on!
7:00pm–8:00pm IndieWeb Meetup
- Demos of personal website breakthroughs
- Discussion around the independent web
- Create or update your personal web site!
Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site, or are interested in a healthy, independent web!
Please read through our Code of Conduct.
IndieWebCamp Online 2020 is a two-day online event for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.
Been unable to attend an in-person IndieWebCamp? IndieWebCamp Online is an opportunity for you to interact with other members of the community. Zoom will be used to create conference rooms.
See the schedule for each day with links to the Zoom remote participation rooms at indieweb.org/2020/Online
I have several events scheduled for the Lurking book tour including Books are Magic (Brooklyn Feb 27), Harvard Bookstore (Cambridge March 5), RiffRaff (Providence March 11), and Skylight (Los Angeles April 8). ❧
WordPress and IndieWeb: Creating Your Dialtone on the Internet
After having watched the livestream of Tantek Çelik’s invited talk at WordCamp US entitled Take Back Your Web, I’ll note that my intention is to generally pick up from where he left off and get into some of the nuts and bolts of what some of the IndieWeb philosophies and technologies are and how they work with WordPress. (Though don’t worry if you missed his talk, I’ll put all the ideas into their larger context.) I’ll approach it from the perspective of a WordPress beginner, but will have some pointers to lots of in-depth resources for designers and developers. In short, I’ll attempt to provide a crash-course overview of what the IndieWeb looks like from a WordPress perspective.
Below is a brief teaser for the talk:
Welcome to Web 3.0, the internet you always wish you had.
I can have phone service on Verizon and you may choose to use AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint, but as long as we’ve got phones we can talk to each other or any other phone number that’s connected to the network. But why can’t Facebook users interact directly with Twitter users or Instagram users or vice versa? Crucially why couldn’t one website built on WordPress talk to another website built with Drupal or Kirby? The internet is an open communication platform after all! I’m going to show how this (and so much more magic) can all be done with some simple plugins in under an hour!
Over the past several years a group of dedicated bloggers, technologists, and designers has been innovating, building, and testing a suite of open W3C web standards to allow their personal websites to recreate the major pieces of interactive functionality that are part of the largest social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, SoundCloud, etc. These larger pieces are now all working together across dozens of content management systems including WordPress, Drupal, WithKnown, ProcessWire, Elgg, Nucleus CMS, Craft, Django, Kirby, static site generators like Hugo and Jekyll and services like Micro.Blog and Mastodon. This means that instead of relying on smaller non-interoperable social media sites that obsessively surveil you and then pollute your stream with obtrusive ads, you can now better own and control your own data and comprehensive identity on your own domain name. In this talk we’ll take a high level look at W3C web specs including Webmention, WebSub, Micropub, and the forthcoming Microsub to see how you can make your own website a first class citizen on the (social) web. Using WordPress and a few simple plugins you can now close the circle of website-to-website intercommunication across the open web. Use your own website to read and consume web content, post your own status updates, bookmarks, likes, and replies while interacting directly with other websites. In many cases you can also do this with social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, GitHub, Mastodon, and Micro.blog.
👓 Applied Category Theory Meeting at UCR | John Carlos Baez
The American Mathematical Society is having their Fall Western meeting here at U. C. Riverside during the weekend of November 9th and 10th, 2019. Joe Moeller and I are organizing a session on App…
For the first ever Humanities Commons Twitter conference, we not only want to give our users a space to showcase what they’ve built, but we also want to further explore how Humanities Commons fits within larger conversations of open access scholarship, inclusivity, and scholarly communications.
An Invitation to IndieWeb Summit 2019
- Want to expand the capabilities of what your own domain is capable of?
- Interested in improving the #OER tools available on the open web?
- Want to help make simpler, ethical digital pedagogy a reality in a way that students and teachers can implement themselves without relying on predatory third-party platforms?
- Are you looking to use your online commonplace book as an active hub for your research, writing, and scholarship?
Bring your ideas and passions to help us all brainstorm, ruminate, and then with help actually design and build the version of the web we all want and need–one that reflects our values and desires for the future.
I’d like to invite you all to the 9th Annual IndieWeb Summit in Portland, Oregon, USA on June 29-30, 2019. It follows a traditional BarCamp style format, so the conference is only as good as the attendees and the ideas they bring with them, and since everyone is encouraged to actively participate, it also means that everyone is sure to get something interesting and valuable out of the experience.
We need more educators, thinkers, and tinkerers to begin designing and building the ethical #edtech, #OER, and interactive pedagogy systems we all want.
Come and propose a session on a topic you’re interested in exploring and building toward with a group of like-minded people.
While on-site attendance can be exciting and invigorating for those who can come in person, streaming video and online tools should be available to make useful and worthwhile virtual attendance of all the talks, sessions, and even collaborative build time a real possibility as well. I’ll also note that travel assistance is also available for the Summit if you’d like to apply for it, or you’re able to donate funds to help others.
I hope you can all attend, and I encourage you to invite along friends, students, and colleagues.
I heartily encourage those who don’t yet have a domain of their own to join in the fun. You’ll find lots of help and encouragement at camp and within the IndieWeb community so that even if you currently think you don’t have any skills, you can put together the resources to get something up and working before the Summit’s weekend is over. We’re also around nearly 24/7 in online chat to continue that support and encouragement both before and after the event so you can continue iterating on things you’d like to have working on your personal website.
Never been to an IndieWebCamp? Click through for some details about what to expect. Still not sure? feel free to touch base in any way that feels comfortable for you.
Register today: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit#register
👤 @kfitz @holden @btopro @actualham @Downes @bali_maha @timmmmyboy @dr_jdean @cogdog @xolotl @cathieleblanc @BryanAlexander @hibbittsdesign @greeneterry @judell @CathyNDavidson @krisshaffer @readywriting @dancohen @wiobyrne @brumface @MorrisPelzel @econproph @mburtis @floatingtim @ralphbeliveau @ltaub @laurapasquini @amichaelberman @ken_bauer @TaylorJadin @courosa @nlafferty @KayOddone @OnlineCrsLady @opencontent @davecormier @edtechfactotum @daveymoloney @remikalir @jgmac1106 @MiaZamoraPhD @digpedlab @catherinecronin @HybridPed @jimgroom @rboren @cplong @anarchivist @edublogs @jasonpriem @meredithfierro @Autumm @grantpotter @daniellynds @sundilu @OERConf @fncll @jbj @Jessifer @AneliseHShrout @karencang @kmapesy @harmonygritz @slzemke @KeeganSLW @researchremix @JohnStewartPhD @villaronrubia @kreshleman @raynamharris @jessreingold @mattmaldre
Mon, May 13, 2019, 6:30 PM: Happy Spring West Valley WordPressers! We secured a date for our next meetup at Total Wine, Woodland Hills. We'll be having our meetup group member, Sumner Davenport, back
Fri, May 10, 2019, 8:15 AM
After 7 years of weekly Friday Coffee Meetups, we're changing up the format a bit! As you FCM fans know, a big part of what happens each week is the community-- the people you meet. Put on a name tag, and introduce yourself. And it's AMAZING the people you meet, isn't it? You might be talking to a rocket scientist or a real estate broker. Last week I met someone who is creating a new and improved port a potty that is less offensive/ more enjoyable and environmentally friendly! That's what brings me in each week.
And it's a little bitter-sweet sometimes when you're in the middle of a fascinating conversation, and you have to stop, sit down and listen to a fascinating speaker instead. So NOW you don't have to.
Occassionally, we'll have an Open Networking Friday to mix things up. And that's what we're doing Friday, May 10th. Same great coffee, same great people. See you there!
📅 Virtual Homebrew Website Club Meetup on May 15, 2019
Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with like-minded interests. Bring your friends who want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project…
Everyone of every level is welcome to participate! Don’t have a domain yet? Come along and someone can help you get started and provide resources for creating the site you’ve always wanted.
This virtual HWC meeting is for site builders who either can’t make a regular in-person meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area. It will be hosted on Google Hangouts.
Homebrew Website Club Meetup – Virtual Americas
Time: to
Location: Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/call/MANr-n5uNBrCMDXV9g3WAEEE
More Details
Join a community of like-minded people building and improving their personal websites. Invite friends that want a personal site.
- Work with others to help motivate yourself to create the site you’ve always wanted to have.
- Ask questions about things you may be stuck on–don’t let stumbling blocks get in the way of having the site you’d like to have.
- Finish that website feature or blog post you’ve been working on
- Burn down that old website and build something from scratch
- Share what you’ve gotten working
- Demos of recent breakthroughs
Skill levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Any questions? Need help? Need more information? Ask in chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/indieweb/
Add your optional RSVP in the comments below; by adding your indie RSVP via webmention to this post; or by RSVPing to one of the syndicated posts below:
Indieweb.org event: https://indieweb.org/events/2019-05-15-homebrew-website-club#Virtual_Americas_West
Twitter “event”: https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/1122956290756530176
Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/IndieWeb-Homebrew-Website-Club-Los-Angeles/events/261026321/
Tue, Apr 30, 2019, 7:00 PM
WordPress Pasadena is back in beautiful Old Town Pasadena at one of the first (and finest) Co-Workin' spaces in town, CrossCampus.
Bring your curiosity, your questions, your swell attitude and lots of potatoes. J/k, just bring your smiling faces. Please read the info below as it pertains to our meetup format and FAQs.