Displaying Webmentions on TiddlyWiki

I've previously written about setting up receiving Webmention for TiddlyWiki by logging into webmention.io and creating an account to delegate the receipt of the notifications.   Naturally, these notifications can be more fun for cross-site conversations if one has the ability to display the webmentions on the posts to which they relate. There are probably a…
Replied to Un podcast bien fait by Stéphane Deschamps (nota-bene.org)
Quand c’est bien fait, il faut le dire aussi.
Pardon the English, parce que mon français est très mal.  You indicate at the bottom of the post (the rough English translation is mine)  Bonus : c’est bien plus facile pour moi d’ajouter un texte à wallabag (au hasard) que de stocker un fichier audio pour une « consommation » facile. L’audio me demande toute une mise en œuvre assez…

How to follow the complete output of journalists and other writers?

In a digital era with a seemingly ever-decreasing number of larger news outlets paying journalists and other writers for their work, the number of working writers who find themselves working for one or more outlets is rapidly increasing.  This is sure to leave journalists wondering how to better serve their own personal brand either when…

Web client crashing Chrome frequently when adding tags

Filed an Issue Hypothesis (GitHub)
Annotate with anyone, anywhere. https://hypothes.is/ Contribute to hypothesis/h development by creating an account on GitHub.
I'm currently using Chrome Version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit) via the chrome extension on Windows 10 (v1809) and I'm noticing just within the last two weeks that as I'm typing within the H interface that Chrome suddenly crashes. All of the crashes have occurred as I'm adding one or more tags to an annotation/highlight. I…
Replied to Flow in WordPress for writers by Dave WinerDave Winer (Scripting News)
Flow is the writer's problem for blogging. I have been working on this since I started in 1994. I solved the problem for myself in 1997, and ever since I've been working on solving it for everyone else.
Dave has some solid points about the UI and process of writing here. Speed is key! WordPress is pretty deplorable in this way. Some of the more advanced user may simply write the word "new" in their browser and tab down once to the correct URL to begin creating. Others may have some browser bookmarklets…
Read IndieWeb Link Sharing by Max Böck (Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer)
A pain point of the IndieWeb is that it's sometimes not as convenient to share content as it is on the common social media platforms. Let's improve that.
This sounds a lot like some of the bookmarklet tools that I use for my WordPress website. Kudos to Max for making it easier for those with static sites!
Replied to How to send a Webmention in comments? by Paul JacobsonPaul Jacobson (Paul Jacobson)
I’ve had Webmentions enabled on this site for some time now. Sending a Webmention is pretty straightforward thanks to plugins like Webmention for WordPress and Semantic-Linkbacks. The question is how to send Webmentions in comments when someone replies to one of my posts?
Okay, this gives a lot more context! It looks like you're 90% of the way there. I suspect the last piece you're missing are the proper microformats either in your theme or in the_body of your specific reply. I suspect you know what microformats are Paul, but for context and the benefit of others reading,…
Replied to Recommendations for (simple to use) Podcasting app? by Kim CarterKim Carter (Reclaim Hosting Community)
I am hoping to have a simple (to use) podcast where I can record pieces of lessons that are problematic and potentially have student guests for Q/A. Is there a domain app/plugin that is simple to use? What are you using?
In addition to all the other great recommendations, and in part to expose the idea, if you want to go really low tech, there are a variety of phone apps that will record audio in .mp3 format. If you give it a flexible enough license, you can upload/host your audio with notes and other meta…
Read curator's ǝpoɔ by Maria Popova (curatorscode.org (via web.archive.org))

Attributing your source of discovery should never obscure attributing the creator or originator of the content. For instance, if you repost a compelling poster you found on your favorite design blog, first credit the person who designed the poster, and then attribute discovery to the design blog that brought it to your attention.


We’ve proposed two unicode characters for attributing. They’re clean and short, and they help spread the message of The Curator’s Code itself, but they are not the only way to attribute. You can always use words like “via,” or simply hyperlink to your source — the link is the important part.

ᔥ VS. ↬

Part of what The Curator’s Code aspires to do is evolve our thinking about the levels of attribution. “Via” ᔥ tends to denote a direct repost — something you found elsewhere and shared with your audience with little modification or elaboration. “HT” ↬ tends to stand for indirect discovery — something for which you got the idea at your source, but modified or elaborated on significantly when sharing with your audience.

I like the general idea of this website, and if nothing else the definitions. I've always wanted a plugin or functionality on my website for doing this more quickly. Sadly the Curator's Code site is dead and with it the bookmarklet. and of course, I'll give this the obligatory: [ᔥ IndieWeb chat]

Domains 2019 Reflections from Afar

My OPML Domains Project Not being able to attend Domains 2019 in person, I was bound and determined to attend as much of it as I could manage remotely. A lot of this revolved around following the hashtag for the conference, watching the Virtually Connecting sessions, interacting online, and starting to watch the archived videos…

From Following Posts and Blogrolls (Following Pages) with OPML to Microsub Servers and Readers

I'm still tinkering away at pathways for following people (and websites) on the open web (in my case within WordPress). I'm doing it with an eye toward making some of the UI and infrastructure easier in light of the current fleet of Microsub servers and readers that will enable easier social reading without the centralized…

Quickly making watch posts on my website

I was reading about how Cathie LeBlanc sometimes felt overwhelmed about logging the movies she'd recently seen: I have to be better about posting my movie “reviews” more quickly. I get overwhelmed thinking that I need to write something about the movie when really the whole point of me doing these reviews is just to…
Replied to a tweet by Scott KingeryScott Kingery (Twitter)
Presuming I'm following your question: The plugin is already using Parse This to scrape and import the "name" (aka the post title you're bookmarking, reading, etc.) from the original website based on microformats, html, OG meta, or even schema before it posts to your site. Some sites may not provide these in which case you…