How does coffee get from a faraway plant to your morning cup? See the great journey of beans through the coffee supply chain.
Category: Food
A cook (Alton Brown) buys an old candy cookbook only to discover that it's cursed. Every time he makes a treat, the tricks get weirder ... not to mention more painful.
Recipes on the episode include:
* Pistachio "Butterfingers"
* Peppermint patties
- 2 oz bourbon
- 1 oz Nocello
- 3/4 oz sweet vermouth
- bitters
* 4 measuring spoons, 1 measuring cup * Egg stores spoons when not in use
I’m not sure how accurate the measuring cup or spoons are, but it’s cute as hell.
Growing up, I thought there was only one way to make a chocolate chip cookie. You started with the yellow bag of Nestlé Toll House chocolate morsels, followed the directions on the back, and nine to 11 minutes later you were rewarded with a tray of warm cookies. Simple as that. Fast forward 20 years, and there are now more recipes for chocolate chip cookies than I’d ever have a chance to make in my lifetime (although I’d be down to try). To distinguish themselves from the competition, they all claim to be the best, whether that’s because they’re the easiest, or the most flavorful, or the chewiest, or the softest.
Complete reference and source book of edible plants of the world, invaluable to gardeners, cooks, economic botanists, those in the specialty and gourmet foods business. Includes 3,000 species and 7,000 varieties of food plants. More than 1300 catalog sources for seeds, plants and food products are listed. Revised, updated and expanded edition.
Chilean teacher receives cease and desist letter after using actor’s image in branding
Historians say the multibillion dollar fruit industry in the region began with the 194-year-old tree, which died surrounded by its offshoots.
Hello The main conclusion I draw from this week’s selection of goodies that that when you really think about things, they are seldom as simple as others...
Many people have been using quarantine as a time to perfect their bread or coffee making skills, but I personally have taken this as an opportunity to make increasingly unsettling eggs
— Anna Hughes (@AnnaGHughes) August 14, 2020
Anthropologists have collected examples of this specific to hunting seasons and preparations of the hunt in which people would prepare for the types of game they would encounter. Certainly they did this for feast times and seasonal diets as well. Indians in the Americas are documenting having done things like this for planting corn and keeping their corn varieties pure over hundreds of years.
People’s hunger for food delivery have created an opportunity for restaurants that have an online presence but no brick-and-mortar dining rooms.
When we hear about how the pandemic and ensuing lockdown has affected local “industry” we might not have been thinking of the Gourmet Cobbler Factory. Gourmet cobbler? Factory? Yes, another little known facet of our local dining scene is that apparently Pasadena has been the epicenter of artisanal fruit cobbler production for several decades. Just around the corner from the Academy Theater, the current iteration of the Gourmet Cobbler Factory dates to 2002, when Clifton and Gloria Powell brought their recipes for “Southern” fruit cobbler to replace those at the original cobbler operation, which had been producing cobbler in the same location since 1978.
I just went for BBQ and cobbler on Wednesday night and can confirm this place is pretty solid. I wish I had gotten twice the amount of cobbler, but I guess I can go again soon. Like all good BBQ joints, one should call their order in ahead for best availability of meat. 😉
Hello. Bit of a mixed bag this time, so let’s start with possibly the most useful news of the past two weeks: New test could guarantee the perfect avocado. No...
the Wholesome Meat Act (I kid you not) of 1967 creates three parallel meat streams depending on the inspection in place at the slaughterhouse. Giant meat packers, who have full USDA inspection, can sell their products (and any ancillary pathogens) anywhere in the country. Smaller state-inspected facilities can sell only within their home state. And the smallest slaughterhouses can sell only to people who bought a share in the animal while it was still alive. Meat inspection is a cracking example of the capture of regulatory authority by the largest players, and it is by no means unique to the US. And according the The Counter, the bigger processing plants are getting more favourable treatment even during the Covid-19 emergency. ❧
Annotated on May 19, 2020 at 09:49AM
A bit of Googling will reveal people who’ve already written some code to quickly download them all in bulk as well. I’m happy with doing things manually as there’s only a handful of the 8GB of textbooks I’m interested in.
Browsing through, I’ll note a few that look interesting and which foodies like my friend Jeremy Cherfas may enjoy. (Though I suspect he’s likely read them already, but just in case…)
- Food Analysis, ed. S. Suzanne Nielsen
- Food Analysis Laboratory Manual by S. Suzanne Nielsen
- Brewing Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Michael Mosher and Kenneth Trantham
- Food Fraud Prevention: Introduction, Implementation, and Management by John W. Spink