Read Add class attribute to WordPress "the_tags" markup by WebrockerWebrocker (Webrocker)
I'm in the process of gradually enhancing my site's markup with microformats, in order to "indiewebify" my site further. On thing I noticed while working on this at the Düsseldorf Indiewebcamp, is that WordPress (or the way my theme handles) tags on posts has no way to get an additional class insid...
David Shanske is sure to appreciate this if he hasn’t come across it. (I didn’t see it in his IW26 theme repo, so perhaps not?)
Liked Meetable: An Open Source Events Aggregator by Aaron PareckiAaron Parecki (Aaron Parecki)
It's been a few weeks since I launched the new events site for IndieWeb events! In that time, the community has already hosted 7 events, and scheduled 15 more! I've continued to push a few minor changes to the site since the launch, primarily around discovery of events with tags. The home page now l...
This is awesome!
Read How To Add a Class to a Single Post in WordPress by Tom McFarlin (
As I’ve continued to work on the theme that I’m planning to use after Standard (and that I’ hoping to begin dogfooding within the next month or so), there have been a couple of features that I’ve wanted to implement for the sake of styling. For example, there are times where I want to be abl...
This was useful in my microformats project for the Twentyfifteen theme modifications today.
Read How To Add a Class to a Single Post in WordPress by Tom McFarlin (Tom McFarlin)
As I’ve continued to work on the theme that I’m planning to use after Standard (and that I’ hoping to begin dogfooding within the next month or so), there have been a couple of features that I’ve wanted to implement for the sake of styling. For example, there are times where I want to be abl...
Read "You Don't Look Like a Professor!" ("You don't look like a professor!")
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: “You Don’t Look Like a Professor:” Insights into Effective Teaching & Learning from Women, Marginalized, and Underrepresented Faculty. A new anthology of evidence-based inspiration and practical pedagogy, edited by Jessamyn Neuhaus.
Read Off-duty Secret Service agent shoots and kills dog on a leash in Brooklyn (
The agent, whose name has not been released, was turning the corner from E. 8th St. onto Caton Place in Windsor Terrace about 9:45 p.m. when he came across a man and his girlfriend walking with a female Belgian Shepard.
Read How to Clear Chrome Cache for Specific Website Only (3 Steps) (PIT Designs)
When browsing a website, Google Chrome (or any other browser) stores some data for speeding up the website pages load, in what's called Cache. This by default i
This is a clever method for quickly clearing cache for a particular page.
Read Spam almost vanquished by Jeremy Cherfas (
I really wanted to post this 3 days ago, on January 10th. That would have been one year since I started recording the amount of spam I was getting over on my micro-site. I first noticed the problem in November 2018, and in January 2019 started keeping track. This graph shows all the data from the pr...
Replied to The IndieWeb and Webmentions by Brett TerpstraBrett Terpstra (
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a while back I added a nifty feature to posts on this site which displays activity from Twitter and Mastodon (likes, retweets, replies) on each post. In most cases, more responses to my work happen on social media...
Be careful, because Webmention also means you’ll get responses from other websites too! Congratulations and welcome to the new world. I’ve added a link to your article to the IndieWeb Jekyll page which has some other useful resources too.
Read Trying out by Jeremy Felt (
Services like should spend more time telling everyone about features like “oh, by the way, we have a dedicated discovery page for posts about pizza“. That kind of pitch and I would have signed up for an account 2 years ago. Here I am discovering new things though. I got here beca... is indeed doing some great things.

I feel so nostalgic for Posterous after reading this. It was a nice little platform.

Read How I did a Twitter giveaway, got 10K+ new followers and discovered you can hack most giveaways to win them (
It was almost New Year's Eve and I wanted to do something special on Twitter. I had 69,800 followers and because I admittedly am an imperfect and superficial human addicted to vanity metrics, I wanted to get to 70,000 followers before midnight and it becoming 2020. To celebrate

My friend Marc again to the rescue. He suggested that since there was 10,000+ people RT’ing and following, I could just pick a random follower from my current total follower list (78,000 at this point), then go to their profile to check if they RT’d it and see. If they didn’t, get another random follower and repeat, until you find someone. With 78,000 followers this should take about ~8 tries.

Technically he said it would be random among those who retweeted, but he’s chosen a much smaller subset of people who are BOTH following him and who retweeted it. Oops!
Annotated on January 13, 2020 at 01:10PM

So, based on your write up it sounds like you’re saying that if one retweeted, but wasn’t following you, one had no chance of winning. This means a few thousand people still got lost in the shuffle. Keep in mind that some states have laws regarding lotteries, giveaways, games like this. Hopefully they don’t apply to you or your jurisdiction.

Read How to read ebooks purchased from Kobo on a Kindle by Jeremy Felt (
When an ebook is not available directly through a publisher, I’d like to purchase it through Kobo rather than Amazon. A nice part of Kobo is the option to associate your account with an independent bookstore. Once associated, the store receives some amount of money for any ebook you purchase. This...
This is almost exactly the same process and set of tools I’ve been using for several years. Who could live without Calibre?!