The Pepper Drive Parade

Our local neighborhood gets together at 10am on the 4th of July for a neighborhood parade. There are far more people in the parade than watching it, so it’s more like a gathering at the top of the street in preparation followed by a procession to the bottom of the street where there’s another gathering with snacks and drinks. Those who are along the parade route seem to eventually join the parade and walk to the end for the party.

There were some truly creative little costumes and decorations, but I think my favorite part of the parade today was a bewildered coyote that was coming up the street in the opposite direction of the parade who was shocked to see a mob of people with horses and a firetruck coming down the street. He managed to run off down a side street and escape.

👓 What the IndieWeb on WordPress needs | Brad Enslen

Read What the IndieWeb on WordPress needs by Brad Brad (Brad Enslen)
What the IndieWeb on WordPress needs is to be much more robust.  Or it just needs to be more robust in general even without WordPress.  When it works its glorious. When it doesn’t then you get that free falling and forgot your parachute feeling. Just before you slam into the ground. It also need...

👓 Jury finds Rose Bowl Aquatic Center at fault in molestation case, awards family millions | Pasadena Star News

Read Jury finds Rose Bowl Aquatic Center at fault in molestation case, awards family millions (Pasadena Star News)
The family’s attorney said he and his clients “feel relieved” about the verdict.
How (and why) are people so blind to what is around them?

👓 About | Itty bitty

Read Itty bitty sites (

Itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link. (Including this one!) This means they’re…
💼 Portable – you don’t need a server to host them
👁 Private – nothing is sent to–or stored on–this server
🎁 Easy to share as a link or QR code

Itty bitty sites can hold about as much as a printed page, and there is a lot you can do with that:
✒️ Compose poetry
🛠 Create an app
🐦 Bypass a 140 280 char limit
🎨 Express yourself in ascii

Advanced HTML editing & sharing

Learn more about how it works

This is an curious and interesting way to build a website… but talk about a URL problem…

👓 How itty.bitty works | itty.bitty

Read How itty.bitty works (itty.bitty)

itty.bitty takes html (or other data), compresses it into a URL fragment, and provides a link that can be shared. When it is opened, it inflates that data on the recievers’ side.

Source Code:

An interesting way to create websites…

👓 How to fix what has gone wrong with the internet – The ins and outs | The Economist

Read How to fix what has gone wrong with the internet (The Economist)
The internet was meant to make the world a less centralised place, but the opposite has happened. Ludwig Siegele explains why it matters, and what can be done about it

👓 The story of the internet is all about layers – More knock-on than network | The Economist

Read The story of the internet is all about layers - More knock-on than network (The Economist)

How the internet lost its decentralised innocence

IN “INFORMATION RULES”—published in 1999 but still one of the best books on digital economics—Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian, two economists, popularised the term “network effects”, which means that in the digital world size easily begets size. The more popular a computer operating system, the more applications it will attract, drawing in even more users, and so on. Two decades ago the idea helped people understand the power of Microsoft and its Windows software. Today it is the default explanation for how Facebook, Google and other tech giants became dominant. The more people sign up to a social network, for instance, the more valuable it becomes for present and prospective users.

👓 The whole of WordPress compiled to .NET Core and a NuGet Package with PeachPie | Scott Hanselman

Read The whole of WordPress compiled to .NET Core and a NuGet Package with PeachPie (
Why? Because it's awesome. Sometimes a project comes along that is impossibly ambitious and it works. I've blogged a ...

👓 Court rules children facing deportation have no right to court-appointed lawyer | The Hill

Read Court rules children facing deportation have no right to court-appointed lawyer (TheHill)
Immigrant children who enter the country illegally with their parents have no right to a government-appointed lawyer in court, an appeals court ruled Monday

👓 White House scrambles to figure out how prankster got on the phone with Trump | Politico

Read White House scrambles to figure out how prankster got on the phone with Trump (POLITICO)
The person inside the White House said the call was routed to the president by the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner.

👓 When the Fourth of July Was a Black Holiday | The Atlantic

Read When the Fourth of July Was a Black Holiday by Ethan J. Kytle (The Atlantic)
After the Civil War, African Americans in the South transformed Independence Day into a celebration of their newly won freedom.

Reply to a post by Ton Zijlstra

Replied to a post by Ton ZijlstraTon Zijlstra (Interdependent Thoughts)
Hey Brad, discovery is why I started publishing the feeds I read as opml for others to explore, and some I read do so too. In 2005 I used to have photos of blog authors I read. Do you publish your feed list somewhere? Tom Critchlow also shows all the content of the feeds he follows on his site. Works well as a discovery mechanism too I found. Maybe I’ll start doing that as well from my TinyTinyRSS instance I installed earlier this week.
Yes, discovery can be an issue, but if one is providing various feeds (RSS, Atom, JSON, or h-feed) of various post types, then it becomes easier to slice and dice the content coming out of particular websites. I’ve got my website set up so that nearly every post format, post kind, category, and tag has its own feed. Ideally, you should be able to extract almost anything you’d want from my site via a custom feed if necessary.

As an example if you want to follow what I’m reading, there’s a feed for that. Or you can listen to the things I’m listening to by subscribing to my fauxcast.

Separately, I maintain a following page which, similar to a blogroll, is a list of sites I’m following along with OPML of the full list or subcategories. Thus if you want to subscribe to the IndieWeb OPML list, it’s there for you. (Even more fun if you’re using functionality like OPML subscriptions as they’re done in Inoreader, so that when I update my list, yours automatically does too.)

If you’re interested in recreating portions of some of this I’ve tried to document a lot of it (for WordPress at least) at