RSVP to Virtual Homebrew Website Club Meetup on July 25, 2018

RSVPed Attending Virtual Homebrew Website Club Meetup on July 25, 2018

Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with likeminded interests. Bring your friends who want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project…

Everyone of every level is welcome to participate! Don’t have a domain yet? Come along and someone can help you get started and provide resources for creating the site you’ve always wanted.

This virtual HWC meeting is for site builders who either can’t make a regular in-person meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area. It will be hosted on Google Hangouts.

Time:  to 
Location: Google Hangouts (link to Hangout TBD)

I hope the following can come and join me: David Shanske gRegor Morrill Greg McVerry William Ian O'Byrne Clint Lalonde Aaron Davis Doug Beal Cathie LeBlanc John Johnson Taylor Jaydin Kathleen Fitzpatrick Alan Jacobs Dan Cohen Asher Silberman Micah Cambre Michael Kirk Scott Gruber Chris Bolas Michael Bishop Khürt Williams Eddie Hinkle Aaron Parecki I've…

📅 Virtual Homebrew Website Club Meetup on July 25, 2018

Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy? If so, come on by and join a gathering of people with likeminded interests. Bring your friends who want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project... Everyone…

Reply to Sara Soueidan about front end development feeds

Replied to a tweet by Sara SoueidanSara Soueidan (Twitter)
I tinker on my own website and frequently write about IndieWeb related technologies because the web is my social media platform. The feed you might appreciate most is I have feeds for nearly every tag/category or post type on my site for convenience (just add /feed/ to almost anything). You could subscribe to my firehose…

Reply to zeldman about ALA article on webmention

Replied to a tweet by Jeffrey ZeldmanJeffrey Zeldman (Twitter)
As I prep for DrupalCamp LA this weekend I'm considering how fun and impressive it's been watching folks like Kristof De Jaeger (t) & Dries Buytaert (t) bring Webmention and other #IndieWeb philosophies to Drupal since February. Additional details and documentation can be found on the Drupal page of the IndieWeb wiki.

🔖 An ethical framework for the digital afterlife industry | Nature Human Behaviour

Bookmarked An ethical framework for the digital afterlife industry by Carl Öhman, Luciano Floridi (Nature Human Behaviour)
The web is increasingly inhabited by the remains of its departed users, a phenomenon that has given rise to a burgeoning digital afterlife industry. This industry requires a framework for dealing with its ethical implications. The regulatory conventions guiding archaeological exhibitions could provide the basis for such a framework.
Some interesting potential research and references for the IndieWeb longevity page.

Reply to Aaron Davis about images in h-cards

Replied to a post by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
@chrisaldrich did you document anywhere how to change the default image associated with posts? At the moment it is using my profile pic, which does not work. Also on: Twitter
Associated how? In the webmentions you send? Typically the receiving site will parse your page to find the h-card and pull out the u-photo for it, so depending on your theme or a custom marked up h-card, that will dictate the photo that shows up. I have been noticing some issues recently with a lot…

Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet

Editor's note: This is a copy of an article that was originally published on A List Apart. Over 1 million Webmentions will have been sent across the internet since the specification was made a full Recommendation by the W3C—the standards body that guides the direction of the web—in early January 2017. That number is rising…

Following Ryan Boren

Followed Ryan Boren (Ryan Boren)
Ryan Boren

non-compliant neurodivergent

I am a retired software developer, former lead developer of WordPress, and co-conspirator emeritus at Automattic. I live in Dripping Springs Texas at the Irie Smial Preserve amidst a familial motley of non-compliant, neurodivergent garage hobbits.

Check Twitter and for my heartbeat. That’s where I hang out the most.

WordPress, Education, moral edtech, even the words commonplace book in the tagline of one of his websites! I suspect that Ryan is my online doppleganger. It also looks like he's thinking about and doing some of the same things that Aaron Davis, Ian O'Byrne, John Johnston, Greg McVerry and others are doing.

Reply to Ryan Boren et al on the WordPress Link Manager, Calypso, and Indie Blogging

Replied to a tweet by Ryan BorenRyan Boren (Twitter)
Oh there's just so much to say about the start of this thread, and it gives me so much hope for the open web as well as potential growth for WordPress. Link Manager Update The Link Manager still seems relatively solid and much of the infrastructure still works well, despite the warnings and lack of…

Reply to UnixSysAdmin about integrating with Twitter

Replied to a tweet by Unix Sys AdminUnix Sys Admin (Twitter)
Articles 1, 5, and 6 in this highlighted series for Twitter will get you most of the functionality (and then some). However once you've enabled some of these related plugins, you can also do so much more than just use your site to interact with Twitter.

Creating a tag cloud directory for the Post Kinds Plugin on WordPress

Yesterday after discovering it on Xavier Roy's site I was reminded that the Post Kinds Plugin is built on a custom taxonomy and, as a result, has the ability to output its taxonomy in typical WordPress Tag Cloud widget. I had previously been maintaining/displaying a separate category structure for Kinds, which I always thought was a…

Reply to Photo Kind not Displaying Information from Response Properties Box

Replied to Photo Kind not Displaying Information from Response Properties Box · Issue #184 · dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds (GitHub)
I am adding in information associated with author and source, however this is not being displayed when published.
@mrkrndvs This is because the photo template doesn't call these particular details even though they may be provided. I could see an occasional use for including them, particularly to give credit to a photo that was taken by someone else, while in practice most may not use this because they're posting their own photos. In…
Chickened a tweet by TwoSet ViolinTwoSet Violin (Twitter)
Having created a chicken feed on my personal website really brings me a lot of joy... How can you not love this? It could have been a like or a favorite or even a jam post, but the chicken post really just transcends it all.

A reply to Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s Why Not Blog?

Replied to Why Not Blog? by Kathleen FitzpatrickKathleen Fitzpatrick (Kathleen Fitzpatrick)

My friend Alan Jacobs, a key inspiration in my return (such as it is, so far) to blogging and RSS and a generally pre-Twitter/Facebook outlook on the scholarly internet, is pondering the relationship between blogging and other forms of academic writing in thinking about his next project. Perhaps needless to say, this is something I’m considering as well, and I’m right there with him in most regards.

But there are a few spots where I’m not, entirely, and I’m not sure whether it’s a different perspective or a different set of experiences, or perhaps the latter having led to the former.

I really like where you're coming from on so many fronts here (and on your site in general). Thanks for such a great post on a Friday afternoon. A lot of what you're saying echos the ideas of many old school bloggers who use their blogs as "thought spaces". They write, take comments, iterate, hone,…