Read Domain of One’s Own by Karlheinz Pape (Corporate Learning Community)
Eher zufällig bin ich auf den Workshop der Medienwerkstatt von Studiumdigitale der Uni Frankfurt M am 23.3.2021 zum Konzept der „Domain of One’s Own“ für Studenten gestoßen. Die Idee hat ganz viel …
Great to see some DoOO material in German/Germany.

In Deutschland ist bisher noch keine Anwendung bekannt
Die HOOU Hamburg Open Online University fördert derzeit ein DoOO Projekt. Projektmitarbeiter sind Christian Friedrich und Katharina Schulz. (Beide haben auch den Workshop an der Uni Frankfurt gehalten). Das Projekt hat eine Webseite: 

Rough translation:

So far no application is known in Germany

The HOOU Hamburg Open Online University is currently funding a DoOO project. Project team members are Christian Friedrich and Katharina Schulz . (Both also held the workshop at the University of Frankfurt). The project has a website: .

Annotated on April 11, 2021 at 05:43PM

Read “Domain of One’s Own” für alle Learning Professionals? by Karlheinz Pape (Corporate Learning Community)
Wir sind inzwischen alle auch zu Bewohnern dieses “Neulands” Internet geworden. Die meisten von uns sind dort als Mieter unterwegs und posten bei anderen Eigentümern. Wer im Internet eine Domain be…

What does this have to do with learning?
We have always made notes while studying. In the past only for ourselves. Today it is becoming more and more common to share these notes with others, which becomes easy when you take the notes digitally. If many share their thoughts, then I get a lot of suggestions. My development goes faster, see also this blog post about it .
“If I want to work on a new topic, I write a blog post about it.” I’ve heard it from quite a few. This public writing forces me to confidently verify what I have said. After all, I don’t want to embarrass myself. That means I need three times as much time for the blog post as if I just wrote it down for myself. This extra time spent working on the topic is learning time. And when I publish the post, I give others the chance to benefit from it as well – and the chance to receive feedback that will help me advance on the topic.
My contributions can be text contributions, videos, podcasts or slides. I can link to sources. And I can find it again in my domain – even after years. And when I’ve shared it, others can search for it and use it too. 

Rough translation via Google Translate ^^

This is a good description about how working in public can be beneficial to oneself, even if no one else is looking.
Annotated on April 11, 2021 at 05:37PM

Bookmarked Digital Mappa | an open-source DH platform (Digital Mappa)
Collect and mark up digital images and texts, link them together, annotate them, invite friends to collaborate, publish with one click.
This looks like a cool little project. I wonder how well this might make for a platform for a Domain of One’s Own/IndieWeb for Education?

I came across it via

which makes it sound like an off-label use case for their application. But given the functionality, it looks like it would fun/useful for those in the digital humanities space and could be a cool tool in one’s DoOO workshop.

Does anyone else have experience with it?

whitney trettien on Twitter: “I’m excited to share a digital edition of Susanna Collet’s 17th-century commonplace book, held at @morganlibrary. @zoe_braccia & I made it using @digitalmappa. It features a full transcription/facsimile & a searchable library of Collet’s source texts.” ()

A Twitter of Our Own

A workshop proposal for the Domains Track of OERxDomains21 Conference in April 2021

Corporate social platforms extract a heavy and often hidden price from teachers and students. Lack of privacy, encouraging abuse, context collapse, and surveillance capitalism are a few of the harms we face. They also expose us to a wider variety of publics than we would choose in which to practice and share our learning.

We must take back ownership and control of our content and interactions online (Çelik 2019). This hands-on workshop will help those with domains of their own expand them into healthier and safer communication tools.

This session will be code-free. It’s presented at the level of a person who is able to log into their site, write a post, and publish it.

We’ll outline and install WordPress* plugins (IndieWeb 2021) to allow participants to make the open web their learning network. Participants can use their extended domains in classrooms, with personal and professional learning networks, or in their daily lives. We encourage more technical participants to partner with others for help. Community-based support is available following the conference.

When we’re done, participants should be able to:
– subscribe to each others’ websites;
– read subscriptions in a social reader (Parecki 2018);
– reply to posts by publishing on their domains using open standards (Parecki 2017a);
– send notifications to each other (Aldrich 2018) using open standards (Parecki 2017b).

The session will end with questions and discussion. We’ll focus on how to use our domains in ethical ways that enable an atmosphere of care. We want to ensure this system and its use don’t re-create the toxicity of the platforms it replaces.

Participants will leave with resources for how they might extend their independent network. Our domains can also interact with other social media using these new tools.

* This session will focus on WordPress as an example platform. We’ll provide resources for people using other content management systems. Everyone should be able to follow along, ask questions, and take part, either in real time or with follow up after-the-fact.

To the extent possible, the materials, resources, and video generated will be shared on the author’s domain with a CC0 license. Syndicated copies will be available on the community wiki and the Internet Archive.


Aldrich, C. (2018) “Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet.” A List Apart.

Çelik, T. (2019) Take Back Your Web. Beyond Tellerrand 2019.

IndieWeb. (2021) “Getting Started on WordPress – IndieWeb.” Wiki. [online] Accessed February 9, 2021.

Parecki, A. (2018) “An IndieWeb Reader: My New Home on the Internet.” [online] Aaron Parecki (blog).

———. (2017a) “Micropub.” The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) [online]

———. (2017b) “Webmention.” The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). [online]


To the extent possible under law, Chris Aldrich has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to A Twitter of Our Own: A workshop proposal for the Domains Track of OERxDomains21 Conference in April 2021. This work is published from: United States.

Happy 139th Birthday to Virginia Woolf whose essay A Room of One’s Own (1929) is the namesake of the Domain of One’s Own project.

“A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.”

black and white photo of Virginia Woolf in profile wearing a white top and with her hair pulled back into a bun.
By George Charles Beresford – Filippo Venturi Photography Blog, Public Domain,
Replied to What I want from a GLAM/Cultural Heritage Data Science Network by Jez CopeJez Cope (
As I mentioned last year, I was awarded a Software Sustainability Institute Fellowship to pursue the project of setting up a Cultural Heritage/GLAM data science network. Obviously, the global pandemic has forced a re-think of many plans and this is no exception, so I’m coming back to reflect on it and make sure I’m clear about the core goals so that everything else still moves in the right direction.

It warms my heart to see another person in the education/library space using Webmention on their site. Even more so when I think that Jez Cope is doing so while starting to build an online community. Being able to communicate from website-to-website this way while also being able to reach out to people who choose to use Twitter or Mastodon is a very powerful thing to see and is an incredible example within the Education, Domain of One’s Own, and Library Carpentry spaces.

So much of the tone of this piece has not only an IndieWeb feel, but also sounds like it could benefit from some of the organizational structure that I’ve seen the IndieWeb employ, particularly small scale events and collaborations I’ve seen at Homebrew Website Clubs. This may help to

“Organise less-formal learning and sharing events to complement the more formal training already available within organisations and the wider sector, including “show and tell” sessions, panel discussions, code cafés, masterclasses, guest speakers, reading/study groups, co-working sessions, …”

Read OERxDomains '21: Call for Proposals (Google Docs)
OERxDomains Conference Online - 21-22 April 2021 Call for Proposals Organised by the Association for Learning Technology and partnership with Reclaim Hosting’s Domains Conference, this special edition of the much loved event is the 12th annual conference for Open Education research, practice ...
Reading in advance of making a submission.
Bookmarked OERxDomains Conference (
Online - 21-22 April 2021
Organised by the Association for Learning Technology and partnership with Reclaim Hosting’s Domains Conference, this special edition of the much loved event is the 12th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy. We are proud to incorporate a special strand hosted by the Domains Conference - bringing our two communities closer together in 2021.

OER AND Domains?! I’m totally in for this.

Anyone want to collaborate on a slate of IndieWeb-related topics to submit for this? Proposals are due in late January and it would be interesting to have a handful of IndieWeb tech and some of our experiments discussed at this conference.

Who’s game? Greg McVerry, William Ian O’Byrne, Kimberly Hirsh, Mark Aaron Davis, Cathie LeBlanc, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Ken Bauer, Davey Moloney, Will Monroe?

Quoted a tweet by Amy CollierAmy Collier (Twitter)
There are some great resources and material here. Signing up today.
Replied to a tweet by Sue Jones (Twitter)
Sue, I wrote a generally non-technical primer on them a while back. I think they could be used to some interesting effect in the OER space actually. Perhaps we ought to focus this month’s meetup on the topic?
Replied to a tweet (Twitter)
I contribute to a wiki and a community that looks at some of the why and how questions which you might appreciate.

There are also many academics and researchers who are in the space which may give you some examples. Some are talking about the space under the moniker of A Domain of One’s Own or the hashtag . The project name is a direct reference to Virginia Woolf’s essay A Room of One’s Own (1929) in which she writes:

“A woman must have money, and a room of her own, ​if she is to write fiction.”​

If you want to immerse yourself, we’re having a free online conference this weekend that will help you explore the idea and even begin starting down the road if you like. In fact, the conference is hosted BarCamp-style, so I heartily recommend you attend and suggest your exact question as a session for discussion and brainstorming! If you’d like there are a bunch of volunteers that can help you get something started on the second day.

Personally, I really love infrastructure which I recommend running on Reclaim Hosting (they focus on universities, colleges, and academics) which will get you up and running with a domain name (usually about $10/year depending on what you choose) and hosting for $30/year. They have excellent support and you’ll find some of the smartest and most ethical technologists in academia in their fora. I use my own website as a research notebook cum commonplace book.

I’ve got some time between now and the end of the year if you need some volunteer technical help, I can assist you in getting over some of the technical hurdle to get something up and running and using it if you like.

With work/scheduling, I’m going to pass on arranging the monthly DoOO Meetup for November, though I’d invite others to put one together.

In lieu, I’ll recommend people join me at the bigger IndieWebCamp East on Nov. 14-15, where I’m sure there will be lots of Domains related discussions.