🎧 The Daily: William Barr Under Oath | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: William Barr Under Oath from New York Times

We look at how President Trump’s nominee for attorney general navigated the first day of his confirmation hearings.

🎧 The Daily: Trump’s Pick for Attorney General | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: Trump’s Pick for Attorney General from New York Times

We look at whether the changing of the guard at the Justice Department could also alter its often-acrimonious relationship with the president.

🎧 The Daily: Dispatches From the Border, Part 1 | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: Dispatches From the Border, Part 1 from New York Times

We joined our colleagues as they set out on a trip of nearly 2,000 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border.

🎧 The Daily: What a Border Sheriff Thinks About the Wall | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: What a Border Sheriff Thinks About the Wall from New York Times

A sheriff in Arizona tells us how President Trump’s immigration policies have played out in his county, and why his interpretation of the president’s message has changed.

🎧 The Daily: The Republicans’ Shutdown Strategy | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: The Republicans’ Shutdown Strategy from New York Times

As the shutdown drags into its 20th day, both President Trump and Democratic leaders appear to be doubling down.

🎧 The Daily: Trump’s Prime-Time Address | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: Trump’s Prime-Time Address from New York Times

The president made a televised appeal to the nation for a border wall, but Democrats showed no signs of giving in.

🎧 The Daily: Is There a Crisis at the Border? | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: Is There a Crisis at the Border? from New York Times

President Trump says there’s a problem, but it may be one of his own making.

🎧 The Daily: Trump’s Plan to Withdraw Troops From Syria | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: Trump’s Plan to Withdraw Troops From Syria from New York Times

The president’s abrupt order may have raised important questions about the future of American wars, but it stymied others.

🎧 The Daily: Chuck Schumer on the Wall, the Shutdown and the Era of Divided Government | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: Chuck Schumer on the Wall, the Shutdown and the Era of Divided Government from New York Times

On the eve of a new Congress, the Senate minority leader sat down with “The Daily” to discuss his hopes — and his strategy for getting things done — before the next election rolls around.

👓 Politics Perspective ‘Would you like to speak to the president?’ | Washington Post

Read Politics Perspective ‘Would you like to speak to the president?’ by Dan Balz (Washington Post)
PARIS — “Would you like to speak to the president?” That was about the last question I expected from a stranger on a Friday night in Paris. I was at a brasserie in the Latin Quarter, enjoying dinner with James McAuley, The Washington Post’s Paris correspondent. We had finished our meals and were continuing our conversation as we waited for the check to arrive.

👓 Yes, let’s begin impeachment | Fogknife

Read Yes, let’s begin impeachment by Jason McIntoshJason McIntosh (Fogknife)
I hereby add my small voice to the rising chorus of those with their minds changed by Yoni Appelbaum's "Impeach Donald Trump", published in The Atlantic this month.

👓 Donald Trump: Why US Law Makes It Easy to Stiff Contractors. | Fortune

Read Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors (Fortune)
Fortunately, the practice is not common in business.
I came across this article while thinking about how Trump’s stiffing workers and contractors seemed similar to his handling of the government shutdown.

After reading this, it almost seems to me that with the government shutdown Trump is “selling out his goodwill” in a political sense the same way he’s sold out the goodwill of his own businesses.

Seeing both of these things juxtaposed is another very stark reminder that he seems to have no empathy for anyone at all. This article seems to have called out the same thing long ago.

In practice this [selling out goodwill] rarely happens, for two reasons.
First, most business people, despite what some people think, have integrity, a heart, and a conscience.
Fortunately, you don’t see that too often. That’s because most business people, like most other Americans, are fundamentally decent people. They believe in, and practice, the Golden Rule.

🎧 The Daily: White, Evangelical and Worried About Trump | New York Times

Listened to The Daily: White, Evangelical and Worried About Trump from New York Times

Within a voting base that remains deeply conservative, some women have found the president’s policies to be in fundamental conflict with their faith.

Nice that people are realizing what it is that they actually stand for and then stand up for it. Too often it’s easy to follow along with the herd.

It was fairly interesting to listen to this daughter speak with her father about politics and how resistant and reticent he was to her position. Sadly he didn’t come back with much against her argument but “because…”

Listening to the coverage of Trump’s offer to stop the government shutdown, I can’t help but recall the frequent reports that even in his personal business he unilaterally decided not to pay workers and forced them to sue him to attempt to recover the money. He’s literally now doing the same thing with the government and federal workers.

Apparently tigers do not change their stripes.

👓 Impeach Donald Trump | The Atlantic

Read Impeach Donald Trump by Yoni ApplebaumYoni Applebaum (The Atlantic)
Starting the process will rein in a president who is undermining American ideals—and bring the debate about his fitness for office into Congress, where it belongs.
Just the sort of great, historic writing that The Atlantic is well known for creating.

Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia

As a House Judiciary Committee staff report put it in 1974, in the midst of the Watergate investigation: “The purpose of impeachment is not personal punishment; its function is primarily to maintain constitutional government.” Impeachable offenses, it found, included “undermining the integrity of office, disregard of constitutional duties and oath of office, arrogation of power, abuse of the governmental process, adverse impact on the system of government.”  

January 18, 2019 at 07:36PM

The question of whether impeachment is justified should not be confused with the question of whether it is likely to succeed in removing a president from office.  

January 18, 2019 at 07:41PM

Here is how impeachment would work in practice.  

January 18, 2019 at 08:01PM

The Nixon impeachment spurred Charles L. Black, a Yale law professor, to write Impeachment: A Handbook, a slender volume that remains a defining work on the question.  

January 18, 2019 at 08:07PM

In fact, the Nixon impeachment left Weld with a renewed faith in the American system of government: “The wheels may grind slowly,” he later reflected, “but they grind pretty well.”  

January 18, 2019 at 08:12PM