Soon after I finally took the leap and signed up for a to explore that platform. ❧
Be sure to check out how you can post your content to your own website and syndicate your material into (maybe via RSS or using plugins). If your site uses the Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks plugins, then any replies to your posts will be automagically ported directly back to the comment section of your post.
In addition to some of the others in education who you’ve mentioned, I’ve got a list with some others (be sure to check the comments too–both for the others you’ll find, but also for the example Webmentions I’ve received from
Annotated on September 26, 2020 at 01:57PM
I am going to start getting serious about headless WordPress development for my new website at, inspired by Tom Woodward’s talk for #HeyPresstoConf20 ❧
A lot of the posts I make to my WordPress site are done in a headless manner using the Micropub spec and the Micropub plugin with a huge wealth of Micropub clients.
I did a presentation on this at a WordCamp a while back:
Annotated on September 26, 2020 at 01:59PM
Chris Aldrich ❧
By linking my site here, Jim has sent a Webmention notification, so I know he posted about my site:
Annotated on September 26, 2020 at 02:27PM