Read Fixing Times on EXIF by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (
I’ve been working on a patch for WordPress that involves fixing the incorrectly stored timestamp stored as part of WordPress image metadata. I already do something like this in my Simple Location plugin, but I’ve found a way that works more simply. To summarize the issue, there are multiple date...
Read The security risk of embedding images from external sites by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (
On a lot of IndieWeb sites, I noticed that profile images of webmentions get directly embedded from their original source. For example, Twitter profile images are loaded directly from Twitter servers ( or even my profile image is directly embedded from my site. However you should consi...
Definitely an interesting point to work on. Generally I find that embedding images from sites like Twitter also becomes a UI problem because people changing their avatars over time means that avatars disappear.

👓 Facebook's '10 Year Challenge' Is Just a Harmless Meme—Right? | Wired

Read Facebook's '10 Year Challenge' Is Just a Harmless Meme—Right? (WIRED)
Opinion: The 2009 vs. 2019 profile picture trend may or may not have been a data collection ruse to train its facial recognition algorithm. But we can't afford to blithely play along.

👓 Converting png files to jpg files while using a screen reader | Amanda Rush

Read Converting png files to jpg files while using a screen reader by Amanda Rush (Customer Servant Consultancy)
The Problem
By default, WordPress supports png files to its media library. However, some hosts, (including mine), will block some filetypes for security reasons. In my case, one of the off-limits filetypes is png (image) files. You can change this by either employing the appropriate filter through c...

🔖 Taft Test – Web Dev Placeholder Image Generator

Bookmarked Taft Test - Web Dev Placeholder Image Generator (
Does your site pass the Taft Test? Generate or swap images of Taft for web development.
I wish I had lots of bookmarklets that did quirky things like this. Interestingly this one has a relatively useful use-case in addition to its unintended comedic service.
I’ve spent part of the day cleaning up some of my checkin data on my website. As I was going through I realized a quirky error had duplicated many and was somehow stripping out additional photos.

There was also another code error which was mixing many of the checkins into my longer form articles. I’ve got a temporary fix, but need to create a filter to fix things longer term. While fixing it, I couldn’t help hearing the haunting words of Richard MacManus who recently said “…I certainly don’t want a bunch of other peoples’ checkins clogging up my feed reader.” Though I’ve spent some time trying to split out content types, I can’t help but think he was referring specifically to me. Sorry Richard!

Millions of photos of legs by beaches and pools… Now you suddenly realize what they’ve all been missing.

Millions of photos of legs by beaches and pools... Now you suddenly realize what they've all been missing: a math book on Harmonic Analysis 💡💣📚👓🎓🌡️🌞💯🔥

Instagram filter used: Clarendon

Photo taken at: Gerrish Swim & Tennis Club