A global team reviews audio clips in an effort to help the voice-activated assistant respond to commands.
Tag: AI
👓 Facebook's '10 Year Challenge' Is Just a Harmless Meme—Right? | Wired
Opinion: The 2009 vs. 2019 profile picture trend may or may not have been a data collection ruse to train its facial recognition algorithm. But we can't afford to blithely play along.
🎧 Tech Was Supposed to Be Society’s Great Equalizer. What Happened? | Crazy/Genius | The Atlantic

In a special bonus episode of the podcast Crazy/Genius, the computer scientist and data journalist Meredith Broussard explains how “technochauvinism” derailed the dream of the digital revolution.
From a broader perspective, I think there’s certainly something to be learned from not over-sensationalizing artificial intelligence. Looking at the history of the automobile as a new technology over a century ago is a pretty good parallel example. While it’s generally done a lot of good, the automobile has also brought along a lot of additional societal problems, ills, and costs with it as well.
I hadn’t yet heard about her new book Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World which I’m ordering a copy of today. I suspect that it’s in the realm of great books like Cathy O’Neill’s Weapons of Math Distraction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy which was also relevant to some of the topics within this podcast.
👓 What are our ethical obligations to future AI simulations? | Philip Ball | Aeon Essays
Say you could make a thousand digital replicas of yourself – should you? What happens when you want to get rid of them?
👓 This beautiful map shows everything that powers an Amazon Echo, from data mines to lakes of lithium | The Verge
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