👓 Is Secret sharing REALLY REALLY REALLY used? | Computational Complexity

Read Is Secret sharing REALLY REALLY REALLY used? (blog.computationalcomplexity.org)
Since I am teaching Cryptography this semester I am teaching things people REALLY REALLY REALLY (RRR) use. For some topics this is RRR true,...
I like this concept of Really, Really, Really used. Reminds me of the value of finding use cases for markup like microformats in the wild as a means of standardizing things or for paving cow paths.

👓 Ivanka Trump Used Personal Email Account for Government Business, Review Finds | New York Times

Read Ivanka Trump Used Personal Email Account for Government Business, Review Finds (New York Times)
Ms. Trump’s use of personal email has been expected to be among the topics Democrats will address when they take control of the House next year.

👓 Troops at U.S.-Mexican border to start coming home | Politico

Read Troops at U.S.-Mexican border to start coming home (POLITICO)
All the troops should be home by Christmas, as originally expected, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan said in an interview Monday.

👓 How the media should respond to Trump’s lies | Vox

Read How the media should respond to Trump’s lies by Sean Illing (Vox)
A linguist explains how Trump uses lies to divert attention from the "big truths."
I like that he delves into the idea of enlightment reasoning here and why it doesn’t work. This section of this article is what makes it a bit different from some of the interviews and articles that Lakoff has been appearing in lately.

Highlights, Quotes, Annotations, & Marginalia

I take your point, but I wonder if Trump is just kryptonite for a liberal democratic system built on a free press.  

The key words being “free press” with free meaning that we’re free to exert intelligent editorial control.

Editors in the early 1900’s used this sort of editorial control not to give fuel to racists and Nazis and reduce their influence.Cross reference: Face the Racist Nation from On the Media.

Apparently we need to exert the same editorial control with respect to Trump, who not incidentally is giving significant fuel to the racist fire as well.
November 20, 2018 at 10:11AM

A lot of Democrats believe in what is called Enlightenment reasoning, and that if you just tell people the facts, they’ll reach the right conclusion. That just isn’t true.  

November 20, 2018 at 10:12AM

👓 Some thoughts on following #IndieWeb | Greg McVerry

Read Some thoughts on following #IndieWeb by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com)
A wonderful chat (starts here and ends here) about following occured last night that made me think about how I would like to connect and display the people I follow as I work on my follow page.  Huge h/t to Eddie for capturing it on the wiki. Tantek noted that a focus on following people and not fe...

👓 Emacs from a clean slate | rousette.org

Read Emacs from a clean slate (but she's a girl...)
I feel like this post could be subtitled “For real this time”. Let’s just say that it’s certainly not my first time down an Emacs rabbit hole. I’ve used Spacemacs, then given up because I found it hard to maintain and fix small issues that arose. Then I moved to Doom Emacs, and liked it a lot. It was more compact and less monolithic than Spacemacs, but it still required more Emacs knowledge than I had at the time to understand how all the working parts fitted together. Then I went back to Neovim, and so the bouncing between Vim and Emacs cycle began again. This time, something struck me: what if I was approaching Emacs in the wrong way, trying to make it into something it isn’t, namely Vim? What if I actually took the time to learn how to do things the Emacs Way, and built up my configuration from scratch, adding only what I needed and understood? It was a crazy idea, but it might just work…

👓 re Cybersecurity “moonshot” project to secure the internet by 2028.

Read re Cybersecurity "moonshot" project to secure the internet by 2028. by Bob Frankston (listbox.com)
The report starts with a complete failure to understand the Internet and the powerful idea of separating the infrastructure from what we do with it.

👓 Editorial Layouts, Exclusions, and CSS Grid | Rachel Andrew

Read Editorial Layouts, Exclusions, and CSS Grid by Rachel Andrew (www.rachelandrew.co.uk)
A little while back at An Event Apart Chicago, I chatted to Rob Weychert about a grid use case he felt the spec couldn’t solve. He has now written that use case up, which you can read on his blog - Editorial Layouts, FLoats, and CSS Grid. At the time I thought that this sounded like an Exclusions ...

👓 WordPress Meetup Presentation: Decentralized Social Networking with WordPress | Alexander Kirk

Read WordPress Meetup Presentation: Decentralized Social Networking with WordPress by Alexander Kirk (alexander.kirk.at)
Wpvie Friends This is the presentation I held yesterday, November 7, 2018, at the WordPress Meetup Vienna about the Friends Plugin. I created this presentation with Deckset which allows to generate the presentation from a Markdown file.
Reminder: I need to try this out.

👓 Decentralized Social Networking with WordPress | Alexander Kirk

Read Decentralized Social Networking with WordPress by Alexander Kirk (alexander.kirk.at)
Over the past year, I've been working on the side on a WordPress plugin that implements an idea that has been growing in me over the last couple of years. Decentralized Social Networking. The plugin that does it is called Friends. Starting with the frustration that there are few alternatives for pe...

👓 How The Wall Street Journal is preparing its journalists to detect deepfakes | Nieman Journalism Lab

Read How The Wall Street Journal is preparing its journalists to detect deepfakes (Nieman Lab)
"We have seen this rapid rise in deep learning technology and the question is: Is that going to keep going, or is it plateauing? What's going to happen next?"

👓 So some people will pay for a subscription to a news site. How about two? Three? | Nieman Journalism Lab

Read So some people will pay for a subscription to a news site. How about two? Three? (Nieman Lab)
New York magazine and Quartz both now want readers to pay up. How deep into their pockets will even dedicated news consumers go for a second (or third or fourth) read?

👓 Social Networking Platforms 2018 | Bill Brayman | Google+

Read a post by Bill Brayman (plus.google.com)
Here is the final draft of the chart Social Networking Platforms 2018. As before, see the community spreadsheet for details of particular platforms. Note the interesting reorganization of the chart, plus a few additions and corrections. Many thanks for the insightful and helpful comments. Yay community! Intent of the chart is to provide a researched list of current viable platforms within a simple architectural framework. Three factors: (1) Closed/open standards and centralization/decentralization (which tend to go together). (2) Organized by the pacing and effort typical of user interaction within the communities on the platform. One special group singled out for use of tokens, rewards, tips to form an economic social climate. (3) Major/minor user base - shown by bold/light text, admittedly my quick swag at it, may need corrections. If this version is reasonably stable, I'll put future updates on a website to avoid cluttering up our stream here with minor changes. [Edit: Note a correction to be updated later - Medium and Steemit are miscategorized re proprietary/open standards.] Many thanks to contributors.
Interesting chart/layout for categorizing things.