Notes from WordPress Pasadena General Meetup, March 2020!

For those searching for links and help from tonight's online meetup. If isn't up to the task, I happen to have a WordPress website that can do the job. 19:02:08 From Jason Orellana : Hey Everyone! 19:02:22 From Connie Nassios : Hi! 19:02:22 From Wafic : Hi everyone 19:03:56 From BreAnn Mueller : Hi!!…

Webmentions with WordPress for Open Pedagogy

Abstract: With growing support for the W3C Webmention spec, teachers can post assignments on their own websites & students can use their sites to respond and interact. Entire classes can have open discussions from site-to-site owning all their data and eschewing corporate surveillance capitalism. Missed my presentation for PressEdConf20 on Twitter earlier and want to…
There's current research, coding work, and thinking going on within the #IndieWeb community to extend ideas like private webmentions and limiting audience so that this sort of interaction can happen in more secluded online spaces. #PressEdConf20
Another plugin I love is Post Kinds which automatically parses URLs I want to reply to, like, bookmark, etc. and saves the reply context to my website which helps prevent context collapse. My commentary and notes then appear below it. #PressEdConf20
Annotated edit (
An edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request.
In part out of laziness and lack of an easy way to implement a workflow and mark up, I will post content (bookmarks or notes) to my website and (pseudo-)syndicate all or portions of it to the IndieWeb wiki as either edits or as links to See Also sections of pages. "Pseudo" because the content…
Read The master tapes by Robin Sloan (Robin Sloan)
“What do I miss” is the wrong question, because the feeling isn’t an absence, but a presence.
If running your own website is like operating a nuclear reactor, then, yes: let’s give up on that. But what if it’s more like cooking dinner at home? That’s an activity that many people find challenging and/or intimidating, one with all sorts of social and economic ~encumbrances~, but even so, who would argue that it’s inappropriate…

Participating in PressEdConf20 directly from WordPress

Last year I thought it would be fun to outline how people might use their #WordPress websites to actively participate in #PressEdConf20 by posting content on their WordPress website and syndicating copies to Twitter for those following that way. (Meta: Welcome to my talk: I know it's cheating & early, but I'm hoping a few…
With luck, I'll have created this entire #PressEdConf20 presentation on my own website and syndicated it to Twitter without actually needing to visit Twitter itself. I'm around for questions. Thank you for your time and attention. [more...] Those looking for more details can find documentation on the IndieWeb wiki at, or I'm also…
Those who are paying attention at #PressEdConf20 will see the value in webmention for allowing cross-site interactions without the need for "social media". WithKnown, Drupal, Grav, and other CMSes are capable of doing this too. (Ownership of your Open Pedagogy Anyone? Who needs invasive corporate social media to interact online now?)