Checkin DreamHost

Chatting #IndieWeb with Jonathan LaCour and Mike Schroder at DreamHost. I notice that the DreamHost tagline "Imagine the Web, Your Way" isn't too far from my proposed IndieWeb taginline "Building the web you want." [gallery type="rectangular" link="none" size="large" ids="55683856,55683855,55683854"]

Transitioning from Pocket to PressForward

I've recently been attempting to own all of my online bookmarks and online articles I'd like to read to replace services like Pocket and Instapaper. While I feel like I'm almost there using PressForward, there are still one or two rough edges. One of them is creating a simple mobile workflow to take headlines from Twitter…

Read posts nearly perfected!

Hoorah, hooray! In a project which I started just before IndieWebCamp LA in November, I've moved a big step closer to perfecting my "Read" posts! Thanks in large part to WordPress, PressForward, friends and help on the IndieWeb site too numerous to count, and a little bit of elbow grease, I can now receive and read RSS feeds…

👓 Encouraging individual sovereignty and a healthy commons by Aral Balkan

Read Encouraging individual sovereignty and a healthy commons by Aral Balkan (
Mark Zuckerberg’s manifesto outlines his vision for a centralised global colony ruled by the Silicon Valley oligarchy. I say we must do the exact opposite and create a world with individual sovereignty and a healthy commons.
The verbiage here is a bit inflammatory and very radical sounding, but the overarching thesis is fairly sound. The people who are slowly, but surely building the IndieWeb give me a lot of hope that the unintended (by the people anyway) consequences that are unfolding can be relatively quickly remedied. Marginalia We are sharded beings;…

🔖 Post filtering fixes at Homebrew Website Club | Colin Devroe

Bookmarked Post filtering fixes at Homebrew Website Club by Colin Devroe (
Last night Tucker Hottes, Den Temple and I held the first Homebrew Website Club at The Keys in Scranton, PA. I really appreciate that HWC will force me to set aside some time to work on my personal site since it is often neglected for more pressing projects.
Nota bene: Colin is dogfooding his IndieWeb friendly WordPress theme on Github! It's a beautiful, simple, and very clean theme for a personal website/blog. Colin, do you mind if we provide a link to your theme on for others to potentially use and/or improve upon? (See also discussion at

🎧 Podcast Directories | Why Can’t We … ?

Listened to Podcast Directories from Why Can't We ... ?, August 19, 2016
Every year there are millions of podcasts published by tens of thousands of people in hundreds of languages, yet there are really just three podcast directories where people are able to go and look for new shows to enjoy. The vast majority of podcast players will read a directory listing from iTunes in order to provide the most comprehensive search, but none seem particularly good at recommending shows. Given how just about every other service we use online has some sort of algorithm in place to show us music, movies, TV shows, advertisements, and social accounts we might be interested in, why is podcast discovery still such a complicated endeavour?
If possible, click to play, otherwise your browser may be unable to play this audio file. There are obviously a lot of problems with the podcast ecosystem, and primary among them is podcast discovery and curation. I really wish there were more people working on this problem. Wouldn't it be nice to have an indieweb…

Ownership vs. Ownership

Read Ownership vs. Ownership by Matigo (Matigo dot See, eh?)
A Snap is a universal Linux package that works on (just about) any distribution or device. Snaps are faster to install, easier to create, safer to run, and they update automatically and transactionally so the software is always fresh and never broken. What this means for a normal person is that a tiny computer the size of a Starbucks coffee could be shipped to them and run on their home network. This would then interface with another server they have running in "the cloud". Rather than SSH into a Linux machine and install a bunch of disparate software packages, fiddle with configuration settings, and rage at Apache misconfigurations, a person would instead type something like the following into the public web server: sudo snap install 10centuries
For those in the IndieWeb who want to take "own your data" to the highest level, 10centuries sounds like an interesting project.

My reply to Project Surges Past $65K on Kickstarter, Gains Backing from DreamHost | WordPress Tavern

Replied to Project Surges Past $65K on Kickstarter, Gains Backing from DreamHost (WordPress Tavern)
With one week remaining on its Kickstarter campaign, the indie microblogging project has surged past its original $10K funding goal with $66,710 pledged by 2,381 backers. This puts proje…
I love that is doing so well on Kickstarter! I'm even more impressed that DreamHost is backing this and doubling down in this area. I coincidentally happened to have a great conversation yesterday with Jonathan LaCour before I saw the article and we spoke about what DreamHost is doing in the realm of IndieWeb…

A WordPress plugin for posting to IndieNews

Bookmarked WordPress IndieNews by Matthias Pfefferle (
Automatically send webmentions to IndieNews
I just noticed that Matthias Pfefferle has kindly created a little WordPress plugin for posting to IndieNews.

PressForward and Work Great Together

I've just noticed that the metadata PressForward scrapes is enough to allow highlights and marginalia from on the original web page to also appear in my copy on my own website! How awesome is that? Example: #ownallthethings

Browser Bookmarklets and Mobile Sharing with Post Kinds Plugin for WordPress

Making it easier to post to WordPress on desktop and mobile

Introducing Shortcut | This American Life

Bookmarked Introducing Shortcut (This American Life)
Have you ever heard a moment on the show that you wish you could share with your friends? Well, now you can! Shortcut is a new app we created that allows you to turn your favorite podcast moments into videos that you can post to social media. It’s kind of like making a gif, but for audio. Here’s how to use it.
I love the functionality that they've built into their podcast to clip and share audio snippets. It's only a step or two further to highlight and annotate within an audio file. This is somewhat reminiscent of bits of SoundCloud's user interface. h/t Jon Udell via Twitter @hypothes_is @judell s there a way to annotate mp3?…

Reply to Antonio Sánchez-Padial about webmentions for academic research

Replied to a tweet by Antonio Sánchez-PadialAntonio Sánchez-Padial (Twitter)
Hi there @ChrisAldrich! I'd like to add webmentions, but I haven't worked on it yet. What kind of collaboration are you thinking about?
Many academics are using academic related social platforms (silos) like Mendeley,, Research Gate and many others to collaborate, share data, and publish their work. (And should they really be trusting that data to those outside corporations?) A few particular examples: I follow physicist John Carlos Baez and mathematician Terry Tao who both have one…

Reply to Dave Rupert’s Poll with another alternative

Replied to a tweet by Dave RupertDave Rupert (Twitter)
Anyone else starting to look for a way out of Twitter?
#4 IndieWeb: Publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere. (The missing option.) I've been microblogging from my own site and syndicating content to Twitter and other social silos for a while. I usually consume Twitter via an RSS hack and respond either via which micropubs directly to my site or from a built in…

A Secondary Meaning for POSSE

I'd meant to document this back in November when it was discussed at IndieWebCamp Los Angeles, but it was a busy weekend. In conversation with Tantek Çelik, I asked if a double entendre meaning to POSSE was originally intended when it was coined? POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere…