The Information Theory of Life: The polymath Christoph Adami is investigating life’s origins by reimagining living things as self-perpetuating information strings.
Tag: Information Theory
Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order, from Atoms to Economies
From the book description:
“What is economic growth? And why, historically, has it occurred in only a few places? Previous efforts to answer these questions have focused on institutions, geography, finances, and psychology. But according to MIT’s antidisciplinarian César Hidalgo, understanding the nature of economic growth demands transcending the social sciences and including the natural sciences of information, networks, and complexity. To understand the growth of economies, Hidalgo argues, we first need to understand the growth of order.
At first glance, the universe seems hostile to order. Thermodynamics dictates that over time, order–or information–will disappear. Whispers vanish in the wind just like the beauty of swirling cigarette smoke collapses into disorderly clouds. But thermodynamics also has loopholes that promote the growth of information in pockets. Our cities are pockets where information grows, but they are not all the same. For every Silicon Valley, Tokyo, and Paris, there are dozens of places with economies that accomplish little more than pulling rocks off the ground. So, why does the US economy outstrip Brazil’s, and Brazil’s that of Chad? Why did the technology corridor along Boston’s Route 128 languish while Silicon Valley blossomed? In each case, the key is how people, firms, and the networks they form make use of information.
Seen from Hidalgo’s vantage, economies become distributed computers, made of networks of people, and the problem of economic development becomes the problem of making these computers more powerful. By uncovering the mechanisms that enable the growth of information in nature and society, Why Information Grows lays bear the origins of physical order and economic growth. Situated at the nexus of information theory, physics, sociology, and economics, this book propounds a new theory of how economies can do, not just more, but more interesting things.”
8th Annual North American School of Information Theory (NASIT)
Application deadline: June 7, 2015
The School of Information Theory will bring together over 100 graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and leading researchers for four action-packed days of learning, stimulating discussions, professional networking and fun activities, all on the beautiful campus of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and in the nearby beach town of La Jolla.
- Tutorials by some of the best known researchers in information theory and related fields
- Poster presentations by student participants with feedback and discussion
- Panel discussion on “IT: Academia vs. Industry Perspectives”
- Social events and fun activities
The Information Universe Conference
I’ll let their site speak for itself below, but they already have an interesting line up of speakers including:
Keynote speakers
- Erik Verlinde, Professor Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Alex Szalay, Alumni Centennial Professor of Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Gerard ‘t Hooft, Professor Theoretical Physics, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
- Gregory Chaitin, Professor Mathematics and Computer Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- Charley Lineweaver, Professor Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Australia
- Lude Franke, Professor System Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands
Conference synopsis from their homepage:
Additional details about the conference including the participants, program, venue, and registration can also be found at their website.
Videos from the NIMBioS Workshop on Information and Entropy in Biological Systems
John Baez, one of the organizers of the workshop, is also going through them and adding some interesting background and links on his Azimuth blog as well for those who are looking for additional details and depth
Additonal resources from the Workshop:
- NIMBios Workshop page
- Participants list
- Workshop Agenda [.pdf download]
- Information and Entropy WordPress site
- YouTube playlist of videos
- Storify archive from the workshop (The storify service shuttered in May 2018. I’ve archived much of the content and links.)
Popular Science Books on Information Theory, Biology, and Complexity
Introductory / General Readership / Popular Science Books
These books are written on a generally non-technical level and give a broad overview of their topics with occasional forays into interesting or intriguing subtopics. They include little, if any, mathematical equations or conceptualization. Typically, any high school student should be able to read, follow, and understand the broad concepts behind these books. Though often non-technical, these texts can give some useful insight into the topics at hand, even for the most advanced researchers.
Complexity: A Guided Tour by Melanie Mitchell (review)
Possibly one of the best places to start, this text gives a great overview of most of the major areas of study related to these fields.
Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense by Arieh Ben-Naim
One of the best books on the concept of entropy out there. It can be read even by middle school students with no exposure to algebra and does a fantastic job of laying out the conceptualization of how entropy underlies large areas of the broader subject. Even those with Ph.D.’s in statistical thermodynamics can gain something useful from this lovely volume.
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood by James Gleick (review)
A relatively recent popular science volume covering various conceptualizations of what information is and how it’s been dealt with in science and engineering. Though it has its flaws, its certainly a good introduction to the beginner, particularly with regard to history.
The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
One of the most influential pieces of writing known to man, this classical text is the basis from which major strides in biology have been made as a result. A must read for everyone on the planet.
Information, Entropy, Life and the Universe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know by Arieh Ben-Naim
Information Theory and Evolution by John Avery
The Touchstone of Life: Molecular Information, Cell Communication, and the Foundations of Life by Werner R. Loewenstein (review)
Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life by Hubert P. Yockey
The four books above have a significant amount of overlap. Though one could read all of them, I recommend that those pressed for time choose Ben-Naim first. As I write this I’ll note that Ben-Naim’s book is scheduled for release on May 30, 2015, but he’s been kind enough to allow me to read an advance copy while it was in process; it gets my highest recommendation in its class. Loewenstein covers a bit more than Avery who also has a more basic presentation. Most who continue with the subject will later come across Yockey’s Information Theory and Molecular Biology which is similar to his text here but written at a slightly higher level of sophistication. Those who finish at this level of sophistication might want to try Yockey third instead.
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley
Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, and Life by Jeremy Campbell
Life’s Ratchet: How Molecular Machines Extract Order from Chaos by Peter M. Hoffmann
Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos by M. Mitchell Waldrop
The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (Dutton, May 10, 2016)
In the coming weeks/months, I’ll try to continue putting recommended books on the remainder of the rest of the spectrum, the balance of which follows in outline form below. As always, I welcome suggestions and recommendations based on others’ experiences as well. If you’d like to suggest additional resources in any of the sections below, please do so via our suggestion box. For those interested in additional resources, please take a look at the ITBio Resources page which includes information about related research groups; references and journal articles; academic, research institutes, societies, groups, and organizations; and conferences, workshops, and symposia.
Lower Level Undergraduate
These books are written at a level that can be grasped and understood by most with a freshmen or sophomore university level. Coursework in math, science, and engineering will usually presume knowledge of calculus, basic probability theory, introductory physics, chemistry, and basic biology.
Upper Level Undergraduate
These books are written at a level that can be grasped and understood by those at a junior or senor university level. Coursework in math, science, and engineering may presume knowledge of probability theory, differential equations, linear algebra, complex analysis, abstract algebra, signal processing, organic chemistry, molecular biology, evolutionary theory, thermodynamics, advanced physics, and basic information theory.
Graduate Level
These books are written at a level that can be grasped and understood by most working at the level of a master’s level at most universities. Coursework presumes all the previously mentioned classes, though may require a higher level of sub-specialization in one or more areas of mathematics, physics, biology, or engineering practice. Because of the depth and breadth of disciplines covered here, many may feel the need to delve into areas outside of their particular specialization.
String Theory, Black Holes, and Information
The “Information Paradox” with Amanda Peet (teaser trailer)
“Black holes are the ‘thought experiment’ par excellence, where the big three of physics – quantum mechanics, general relativity and thermodynamics – meet and fight it out, dragging in brash newcomers such as information theory and strings for support. Though a unification of gravity and quantum field theory still evades string theorists, many of the mathematical tools and ideas they have developed find applications elsewhere.
One of the most promising approaches to resolving the “information paradox” (the notion that nothing, not even information itself, survives beyond a black hole’s point-of-no-return event horizon) is string theory, a part of modern physics that has wiggled its way into the popular consciousness.
On May 6, 2015, Dr. Amanda Peet, a physicist at the University of Toronto, will describe how the string toolbox allows study of the extreme physics of black holes in new and fruitful ways. Dr. Peet will unpack that toolbox to reveal the versatility of strings and (mem)branes, and will explore the intriguing notion that the world may be a hologram.
Amanda Peet is an Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Toronto. She grew up in the South Pacific island nation of Aotearoa/New Zealand, and earned a B.Sc.(Hons) from the University of Canterbury in NZ and a Ph.D. from Stanford University in the USA. Her awards include a Radcliffe Fellowship from Harvard and an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship. She was one of the string theorists interviewed in the three-part NOVA PBS TV documentary “Elegant Universe”.
Web site:
Dr. Amanda Peet’s Lecture “String Theory Legos for Black Holes”
NIMBioS Workshop: Information Theory and Entropy in Biological Systems
For those in attendance or participating by watching the live streaming video (or even watching the video after-the-fact), please feel free to use the official hashtag #entropyWS, and I’ll do my best to include your tweets, posts, and material into the story stream for future reference.
For journal articles and papers mentioned in/at the workshop, I encourage everyone to join the group ITBio: Information Theory, Microbiology, Evolution, and Complexity and add them to the group’s list of papers. Think of it as a collaborative online journal club of sorts.
Those participating in the workshop are also encouraged to take a look at a growing collection of researchers and materials I maintain here. If you have materials or resources you’d like to contribute to the list, please send me an email or include them via the suggestions/submission form or include them in the comments section below.
Resources for Information Theory and Biology
- Researchers
- References and Journal Articles
- Books
- Related Academic, Research Institutes, Societies, Groups, and Organizations
- Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia
- Bionet.Info-Theory (Google Group/Usenet Group)
- #ITBio on Twitter
RSS Feed for BoffoSocko posts tagged with #ITBio
BIRS Workshop on Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory | Storify Stream
Editor’s note: On 12/12/17 Storify announced they would be shutting down. As a result, I’m changing the embedded version of the original data served by Storify for an HTML copy which can be found below:
BIRS: Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory
A 5 Day workshop on Biology and Information Theory hosted by the Banff International Research Station
I know where I’ll be in Oct 2014! Let’s hear it for Biology & Information Theory! … #ITBio #Banff @andreweckford
. @andreweckford You might be interested in this grouping of research papers: … #ITBio #Banff
Wishing I was at the Gene Regulation and Information Theory meeting starting tomorrow #ITBio
#ITBio: @andreweckford has a new book on Molecular Communication available Oct 31.
Mathematical and Statistical Models for Genetic Coding starts today. … @andreweckford might borrow attendees for BIRS
John Baez has announced a workshop on Entropy & Information in Biological Systems … #NIMBioS #ITBio @andreweckford
Mathematical Foundations for Information Theory in Diffusion-Based Molecular Communications #ITBio
Bill Bialek giving plenary talk “Information flow & order in real biological networks” at Feb 2014 workshop #ITBio
Workshop on Information Theoretic Incentives for Artificial Life #ITBio #ALife14 @alifeofficial @14thALIFE @cxdig
Researchers working in information theory & biology #ITBio @andreweckford @ChristophAdami @wbialek @johnhawks
Currently organizing my Banff workshop on bio-information theory … …
Last RT: wonder what the weather is going to be like at the end of October for my @BIRS_Math workshop
@JoVanEvery I’m organizing a workshop in Banff in October … hopefully this isn’t a sign of weather to come!
Special issue of Entropy: “Information Theoretic Incentives for Cognitive Systems” … #ITBio #CallForSubmissions
Next week @BIRS_Math: Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory … | Live @ #bioinformatics
Andrew Eckford (York University), The Landscape …
“Not an obvious connection between utility and information, just as there is no obvious connection between energy and entropy” @BIRS_Math
Peter Thomas (Case Western Reserve University), Signal Transduction and Information Theory …
Following @andreweckford @BIRS_Math 4 updates/video from Biological & Bio-Inspired Information Theory … @cxdig #ITBio
Live now: Nicolo Michelusi of @USCViterbi on Stochastic Model for Electron Transfer in Bacterial Cables #ITBio
Nicolo Michelusi (University of Southern California), A Stochastic Model for Electron Transfer in Bacterial Cables …
“Timing is fundamental … subsumes time-varying concentration channel” @cnmirose @BIRS_Math
Chris Rose (Rutgers University), Molecular Communication Channels: timing vs. payload …
Standard opening quote of these talks: “I’m not a biologist, but …” @BIRS_Math
Stefan Moser (ETH Zurich), Capacity Bounds of the Memoryless AIGN Channel – a Toy-Model for Molecular Communicat… …
Biodiversity, Entropy and ThermodynamicsI’m giving a short 30-minute talk at a workshop on Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory at the Banff International Research Institute. I’ll say more about the workshop later, but here’s my talk: * Biodiversity, entropy and thermodynamics. Most of the people at this workshop study neurobiology and cell signalling, not evolutionary game theory or…
Weisi Guo (University of Warwick), Communication Envelopes for Molecular Diffusion and Electromagnetic Wave Propag… …
.@Storify stream coming out of @BIRS_Math: Biological & Bio-Inspired Information Theory this week: …
Terrific introduction of Canada/Banff by Andrew Eckford (York)The Landscape …”
@andreweckford “The Landscape” to become a permanent resource for @BIRS_Math participants …”
Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory workshop videos! … @BIRS_Math
.@ChrisAldrich @andreweckford @Storify @BIRS_Math Sounds like a fascinating workshop on bioinformation theory in Banff.
Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes (by Avner Friedman & Chiu-Yen Kao) …
Toby Berger, winner of the 2002 Shannon award, speaking right now. @BIRS_Math
Naftali Tishby (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sensing and acting under information constraints – a principled a… …
“…places such as BIRS and the Banff Centre exist to facilitate the exchange and pursuit of knowledge.” S. Sundaram …
We’re going for a hike tomorrow. Many thanks to Lukas at the @ParksCanada info centre in Banff for helpful advice! @BIRS_Math
Behnaam Aazhang (Rice University), Real-Time Network Modulation for Intractable Epilepsy …
Alexander Dimitrov (Washington State University), Invariant signal processing in auditory biological systems …
Joel Zylberberg (University of Washington), Communicating with noisy signals: lessons learned from the mammalian v… …
Robert Schober (Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg), Intersymbol interference mitigation in diffusive molecular communi… …
Rudolf Rabenstein (Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU)), Modelling Molecular Communication Cha… …
THis week @BIRS_Math ” Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory ” @thebanffcentre #biology #math @NSF
“Your theory might match the data, but the data might be wrong” – Crick @BIRS_Math
So information theory seems to be a big deal in ecology. @BIRS_Math
Tom Schneider (National Institutes of Health), Three Principles of Biological States: Ecology and Cancer …
“In biodiversity, the entropy of an ecosystem is the expected … information we gain about an organism by learning its species” @BIRS_Math
Seriously, I’m blown away by this work in information theory in ecology. Huge body of work; I had no idea. @BIRS_Math
.@andreweckford @QuantaMagazine had a nice overview of some of John Harte’s work in September @BIRS_Math
Chan-Byoung Chae (Yonsei University), Molecular MIMO: From Theory to Practice …
John Baez (University of California, Riverside), Biodiversity, entropy and thermodynamics …
I encourage @BIRS_Math attendees at Biological & Bio-Inspired Information Theory to contribute references here:
Christoph Adami (Michigan State University), Some Information-Theoretic Musings Concerning the Origin and Evolutio… …
Twitter Lists for @BIRS_Math workshop #Biology #InformationTheory:
#complexitytheory -
ICYMI @ChristophAdami had great paper: Information-theoretic Considerations on Origin of Life on arXiv @BIRS_Math
Sensing and Acting Under Information ConstraintsI’m having a great time at a workshop on Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory in Banff, Canada. You can see videos of the talks online. There have been lots of good talks so far, but this one really blew my mind: * Naftali Tishby, Sensing and acting under information constraints—a principled approach to biology and…
I’m listening to a talk on the origin of life at a workshop on Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory. … …
Ilya Nemenman @EmoryUniversity on Predictive information
Follow his research: @BIRS_Math -
Ilya Nemenman (Emory University), Predictive information …
Toby Berger (University of Virginia), Neruoscience Applications of GIG Distributions …
Daniel Polani (University of Hertfordshire), Informational Principles in Perception-Action Loops …
Fascinating stuff! #Information Theory #Entropy #Thermodynamics #Chemistry #Physics & lastly #Life itself: …
Didn’t get enough information theory & biology this week @BIRS_Math? Apply for NIMBioS workshop in April 2015 #ITBio
Amin Emad (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Applications of Discrete Mathematics in Bioinformatics …
Paul Bogdan (University of Southern California), Multiscale Analysis Reveals Complex Behavior in Bacteria Populati… …
Robert Shaw (ProtoLife Inc.), Information and Causality in a Reaction-Diffusion System …
Lubomir Kostal (Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Efficient information transmi… …
Nima Soltani (Stanford University), Applications of Directed Information to Neuroscience …
@lrvarshney I shoulda invited you to this BIRS workshop …
@conservativelez I’m a big fan of your dad’s research & was reminded of much of it via a workshop on Biological Information Theory
@conservativelez Though he may not have been able to attend, he can catch most of the talks online if he’d like …
Depressed that @BIRS_Math Workshop on Biological & Bio-Inspired Information Theory is over? Relive it here: #ITBio
Kudos @andreweckford, Toby Berger, Peter Thomas, @NGhoussoub, @BIRS_Math & friends on a fantastic workshop!
This @BIRS_Math Workshop was biggest thing in #informationtheory & #biology since the Gatlinburg Symposium in 1956.
1/ Everyone I talked to said it was the best workshop they’d ever been to, and they’d like to do a follow-up workshop @BIRS_Math
2/ There is an amazing diversity of work under the umbrella of “information theory”. @BIRS_Math
3/ Much of this work is outside the IT mainstream, and an issue is that people use different terms for related concepts. @BIRS_Math
4/ Some community building is in order. I think this workshop was a good first step. @BIRS_Math
5/ Many many thanks to @BIRS_Math and huge kudos to @NGhoussoub for excellent service to the Canadian scientific community. BIRS is a gem.
6/ Also many thanks to the participants for their excellent talks, and to @ChrisAldrich for maintaining a Storify.
@andreweckford Perhaps we could consider tying in our friends from @sfiscience? @MelMitchell1 … @BIRS_Math #complexity
Entropy and Information in Biological Systems (Part 1)John Harte is an ecologist who uses maximum entropy methods to predict the distribution, abundance and energy usage of species. Marc Harper uses information theory in bioinformatics and evolutionary game theory. Harper, Harte and I are organizing a workshop on entropy and information in biological systems, and I’m really excited about it!
Entropy and Information in Biological Systems (Part 2)John Harte, Marc Harper and I are running a workshop! Now you can apply here to attend: * Information and entropy in biological systems, National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis, Knoxville Tennesee, Wednesday-Friday, 8-10 April 2015. Click the link, read the stuff and scroll down to “CLICK HERE” to apply.
Bio-Inspired Information TheoryThere will be a 5-day workshop on Biological and Bio-Inspired Information Theory at BIRS from Sunday the 26th to Friday the 31st of October, 2014. It’s being organized by * Toby Berger (University of Virginia) * Andrew Eckford (York University) * Peter Thomas (Case Western Reserve University) BIRS is the Banff International Research Station,…
Andrew Eckford: The BlogHow does it feel to (co-)write a book and hold the finished product in your hands? About like this: Many, many thanks to my excellent co-authors, Tadashi Nakano and Tokuko Haraguchi, for their hard work; thanks to Cambridge for accepting this project and managing it well; and thanks to Satoshi Hiyama for writing a nice blurb.
Andrew Eckford: The BlogYou may have seen our PLOS ONE paper about tabletop molecular communication, which received loads of media coverage. One of the goals of this paper was to show that anyone can do experiments in molecular communication, without any wet labs or expensive apparatus.
Meeting: Gene Regulation and Information Theory