👓 CV of failures: Princeton professor publishes résumé of his career lows | Education | The Guardian

Read CV of failures: Princeton professor publishes résumé of his career lows (the Guardian)
Johannes Haushofer bravely posts document listing degree programs he did not get in to and academic positions he did not get
This is a brilliant idea. More people should have these.

👓 What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now | NPR

Read What Happened With Merrick Garland In 2016 And Why It Matters Now (NPR)
Back then, Mitch McConnell boasted: "One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.' "
A good recap in light of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the pending midterms.

👓 Introducing Trashy.css | CSS Tricks

Read Introducing Trashy.css by Nathan Smith (CSS-Tricks)
It began, as many things do, with a silly conversation. In this case, I was talking with our Front End Technology Competency Director (aka "boss man")
I can’t wait to try this out on some sites. I love that it’s got a browser bookmarklet that will let one test out other sites too.

👓 NetNewsWire Diary #2: Switching to OPML | inessential

Read NetNewsWire Diary #2: Switching to OPML (inessential.com)
Since the earliest days of NetNewsWire, before 1.0 even shipped, I wanted to make the subscriptions list on disk an OPML file. It seemed like using the standard format for listing RSS subscriptions would be a good idea. But I was never able to make that happen — until now, with NetNewsWire 5.0d7.

🎧 ‘The Daily’: Today’s Hearing: Trial or Job Interview? | New York Times

Listened to ‘The Daily’: Today’s Hearing: Trial or Job Interview? by Michael Barbaro from New York Times

Republicans and Democrats are expected to take very different approaches to the questioning of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

👓 Making a Murderer, season two | Kottke

Read Making a Murderer, season two by (kottke.org)
In season one of Making a Murderer, filmmakers Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos profiled Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, who were
I remember loving the first season which was very compelling. Can’t wait to see this follow up.
Read Tending towards 1.0 | With Known by Ben WerdmüllerBen Werdmüller (groups.google.com)

Before we begin -

  1. Hi! I'm going to return to spending more time on Known. As you may know, I was Director of Investments at Matter Ventures for the last two years or so, which occupied a disproportionate amount of my time. This is no longer the case. While I'm working on another open source project - Unlock - during the day, I'll be able to devote more attention to Known.
  2. Known deserves a 1.0 release, and will get one. Marcus and I have spoken quite a bit about the route forward.
  3. Commercial enhancements to Known, like the hosted service and Convoy, will get their own update. Going forward, any commercial ambitions or support for Known will be secondary to the open source project, if they exist at all.

Okay. With all of that said, I'd like to put the following out for discussion. Replies, questions, and criticisms are welcome!

This may be some of the best news I’ve heard in months! Known is one of my favorite open source CMSes that’s easy to spin up and use. It also supports so many awesome IndieWeb specs like Webmention, Micropub, WebSub, etc. right out of the box.

The runner up awesome news is that Reclaim Hosting is very likely to revamp their installatron version of it.

🎧 ‘The Daily’: Revisiting What Happened to Anita Hill | New York Times

Listened to ‘The Daily’: Revisiting What Happened to Anita Hill by Michael Barbaro from New York Times

The law professor testified against Judge Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearings in 1991. What has changed since?

👓 We Saw Nuns Kill Children: The Ghosts of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage | Buzz Feed

Read Nuns Killed Children, Say Former Residents Of St. Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage (BuzzFeed News)
Millions of American children were placed in orphanages. Some didn’t make it out alive.
Literally Holy Shit!

👓 Skepticism surrounds renowned mathematician’s attempted proof of 160-year-old hypothesis | Science | AAAS

Read Skepticism surrounds renowned mathematician’s attempted proof of 160-year-old hypothesis (Science | AAAS)
The Riemann hypothesis, a formula related to the distribution of prime numbers, has remained unsolved for more than a century
One of the lesser articles I’ve seen on the topic thus far…

👓 The risks of treating 'academic innovation' as a discipline (opinion) | Inside Higher Ed

Read The risks of treating 'academic innovation' as a discipline (opinion) (Inside Higher Ed)
Calls to create a discipline around the term risk reinforcing existing problems with how it is used -- and misused -- in higher education, Rolin Moe writes.

📺 "Baked" New York: If You Can Bake it There | Food Network

Watched "Baked" New York: If You Can Bake it There from Food Network
Tom Papa heads to New York City to get a slice of the Big Apple's diverse food scene. At the Doughnut Project, Tom meets up with Jim Gaffigan and makes the ultimate New York mash-up, a glazed doughnut covered in everything bagel toppings. Tom visits Gian Piero Bakery to make an Italian America classic, rainbow cookies, colorful layers of cake and jam covered in chocolate. At Oda House, Tom falls ...
Over 700 bakeries in New York?! They did solid job of getting some awesome diversity on a first season episode. I could watch all of these. I do wish that Papa was a bit better in his food description though.

📺 "Baked" It’s Always Yummy in Philadelphia | Food Network

Watched "Baked" It's Always Yummy in Philadelphia from Food Network
With Tom Papa. Tom Papa takes a trip to Philadelphia, where local bakeries' traditional roots run deep. At Termini Brothers' he learns the secret of their creamy, crunchy cannoli, then 4thand 5th generation bakers at Sarcone's show him how to make savory Sicilian-style tomato pie, baked in a giant brick oven. Tom stops by Reading Terminal Market for a juicy roast pork sandwich and ooey-gooey sticky buns. The ...