🎞 Groundhog Day (Columbia Pictures, 1993)

Watched Groundhog Day from Columbia Pictures, 1993
A weatherman finds himself inexplicably living the same day over and over again.

Directed by Harold Ramis. With Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky.
Doing quarterly viewing of Groundhog Day because one can’t just watch this one once a year.

AMC has it on all day if you don’t have your own personal well-worn copy.

For those who’ve never seen it, try watching all of the days simultaneously:

🎧 Under the Radar 65: Getting Sherlocked | Under the Radar

Listened to Under the Radar 65: Getting Sherlocked from overcast.fm
Preparing for and reacting to Apple implementing your app’s core functionality themselves.

Upshot: Cover the 3 sigma edge cases that the bigger corporation won’t bother to support.

🔖 A de Bruijn identity for discrete random variables by Oliver Johnson, Saikat Guha

Bookmarked A de Bruijn identity for discrete random variables by Oliver Johnson, Saikat Guha (arxiv.org)
We discuss properties of the "beamsplitter addition" operation, which provides a non-standard scaled convolution of random variables supported on the non-negative integers. We give a simple expression for the action of beamsplitter addition using generating functions. We use this to give a self-contained and purely classical proof of a heat equation and de Bruijn identity, satisfied when one of the variables is geometric.

Don’t Cancel the Academy Awards Over Trump. Oscar Nominees, Try This Instead. | Slate

Read Don’t Cancel the Academy Awards Over Trump. Oscar Nominees, Try This Instead. (Slate Magazine)
With the news that that the latest disaster in Donald Trump’s Lizard Brain Jamboree will bar Oscar nominee Asghar Farhadi from attending the Academy Awards (and Farhadi’s later decision to skip them whether he is allowed to come or not), the film community has been scrambling to find an effective response.
Continue reading Don’t Cancel the Academy Awards Over Trump. Oscar Nominees, Try This Instead. | Slate

How Authors and Publishers Can Increase Book Discovery | DBW

Read How Authors and Publishers Can Increase Book Discovery by Daniel Berkowitz (Digital Book World)
Chris Sim, founder and CEO of Kadaxis, spoke at Digital Book World about how indie authors and publishers can better use keywords to increase book sales.
Continue reading How Authors and Publishers Can Increase Book Discovery | DBW

📺 So What Are We Supposed to Do Now? | The Closer S2 E14

Watched So What Are We Supposed to Do Now? from GQ Videos
The Electoral College has affirmed Donald Trump as our 45th President. Here’s what you can do about it.

📺 Alexander Hamilton’s Plan to Keep Trump From the White House | The Closer S2 E13

Watched Alexander Hamilton’s Plan to Keep Trump From the White House from GQ Videos
The Electoral College was designed to prevent just this sort of emergency.

Sage vs Underscores

Bookmarked Sage vs Underscores | WordPress Starter Themes (Roots)
Sage makes you a better developer. Modern build tooling, live reloading, modern PHP & requirements, DRY templates with template inheritance and more.
Modern front-end workflow

If Underscores is a “1,000 hour head start”, Sage is a 10,000 hour head start.

Write stylesheets with Sass, automatically check your JavaScript for errors, optimize images, enable synchronized browser testing, and more with our gulp setup.

📺 The Grave Danger of Trump’s Intelligence Failure | The Closer S2 E12

Watched The Grave Danger of Trump’s Intelligence Failure from GQ Videos
Is the president-elect—who thinks he’s “ like a smart person”—content to hand America over to the Russians?

📺 Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America? | The Closer S2 E11

Watched Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America? from GQ Videos
Why we urgently need a special prosecutor to investigate Russia’s meddling in the election

🎧 The New Norm | Invisibilia

Listened to The New Norm from Invisibilia | NPR.org
You probably don't even notice them, but social norms determine so much of your behavior - how you dress, talk, eat and even what you allow yourself to feel. These norms are so entrenched we never imagine they can shift. But Alix Spiegel and new co-host, Hanna Rosin, examine two grand social experiments that attempt to do just that: teach McDonald's employees in Russia to smile, and workers on an oil rig how to cry.

This is a fantastic episode that fits right into the heart of their running theme. The psychology of the smile isn’t something one thinks about often, but it has such a profound effect on our daily lives.

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