Read a post by Bix Bix (
I’ve changed my mind: I no longer want RSS readers from which you can reply to blog posts via webmention. It completely violates my contention that social media has too little friction; it’s not a flaw an indieweb blogosphere software ecosystem should replicate. One should have to visit the blog...
Bix, I'm not sure I'm 100% sure of your mental model of a bigger system as there are definitely many moving pieces. I don't think it's the intention of any feed readers to be sending the Webmentions on the author's behalf. (This would mean they'd have to save it and have it publicly available on…
Bookmarked WordPress by Jan Bozzez (
Through the years, I’ve created a few (child) themes and plugins for WordPress. Some of them are described below, and more will surely follow.
Jan has some awesome IndieWeb-esqe plugins for WordPress, how have I not seen these before?! If David Shanske hasn't seen them yet, he definitely should be aware of them. We should definitely add some of these to the IndieWeb wiki as necessary. Jan if you'd like to join a group of us helping to improve…
After several years of giving back no data, apparently YouTube has changed at least some of the markup and metadata on their site so that parsers are returning richer data now. I'm thrilled to see that as of this morning putting in traditional YouTube permalinks now allows the parser in David Shanske's awesome IndieWeb Post…
Read Eliminating the Human by David ByrneDavid Byrne (MIT Technology Review)
We are beset by—and immersed in—apps and devices that are quietly reducing the amount of meaningful interaction we have with each other.
This piece makes a fascinating point about people and interactions. It's the sort of thing that many in the design and #IndieWeb communities should read and think about as they work.

Using IFTTT to syndicate (PESOS) content from social services to WordPress using Micropub

Introduction What follows may tend toward the jargon-y end of programming, but I'll endeavor to explain it all and go step-by-step to allow those with little or no programming experience to follow along and use the tools I'm describing in a very powerful way.  I'll do my best to link the jargon to definitions and…

How to follow the complete output of journalists and other writers?

In a digital era with a seemingly ever-decreasing number of larger news outlets paying journalists and other writers for their work, the number of working writers who find themselves working for one or more outlets is rapidly increasing.  This is sure to leave journalists wondering how to better serve their own personal brand either when…
Reposted a tweet by Chris WiegmanChris Wiegman (Twitter)
“Not all my own experiments have been successful but that doesn't mean I'm still not hosting some of my own services. On 13 Feb I'll talk about how to host your own using Traefik 2.0 in a free online webinar. Check it out!
This seems like something that the IndieWeb and Domain of One's Own crowds might appreciate. 

Owning my RSVP’s from using IFTTT and Webhooks to a Micropub endpoint

Now I can quickly RSVP via Meetup, use their interface to add the event to my Google Calendar, leverage IFTTT's Webhook to send a Micropub request to my endpoint, and I've got an RSVP post with all the details on my website!
Read Instagram-like app to track photographer websites by Matt Maldre (Spudart)
I’m thinking about what the domain would be for my photo website. And then an idea struck me. What if someone made an app that looked JUST like Instagram. But all the photos came from RSS feeds from individual photographer websites. You could subscribe to a whole list of photographer websites, and their photos will …
I could totally see this as an IndieWeb-based app! Perhaps there's a way to modify or use one of the Microsub clients to filter for photos for focusing on and doing just this very thing? My photos are far from the sort of artistic thing you're looking for, but it would be nice if one…
Read Giving up tweeting for one week by Matt MaldreMatt Maldre (Spudart)
I’m thinking about giving up tweeting for one week, and instead write out all my thoughts and reactions on my blog. So far this year, I’ve been having a lot of fun blogging more. In the past decade when I have an idea, I would head to Twitter and blurt it out. Now, writing out …
It's not a complete silo quit, but it's a start. Matt's got some great ideas here about why it's important and useful to write on your own website. I do think there are some building blocks he could add to his site to improve on some of the downsides or replace bits he thinks he's…
Annotated An Outline for Using Hypothesis for Owning your Annotations and Highlights by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (

Create an recipe to port your Hypothesis RSS feed into WordPress posts. Generally chose an “If RSS, then WordPress” setup and use the following data to build the recipe:

Input feed: (change username to your user name)
Optional title: {{EntryTitle}}
Body: {{EntryContent}} from {{EntryUrl}}

Categories: Highlight (use whatever categories you prefer, but be aware they’ll apply to all your future posts from this feed)
Post status (optional): I set mine to “Draft” so I have the option to keep it privately or to publish it publicly at a later date.

Posting this solely to compare my highlights and annotations on my website with Will's version. I'm still tinkering with mine and should have a Micropub based version using IFTTT and Webhooks done soon.
Replied to The IndieWeb and Webmentions by Brett TerpstraBrett Terpstra (
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but a while back I added a nifty feature to posts on this site which displays activity from Twitter and Mastodon (likes, retweets, replies) on each post. In most cases, more responses to my work happen on social media...
Be careful, because Webmention also means you'll get responses from other websites too! Congratulations and welcome to the new world. I've added a link to your article to the IndieWeb Jekyll page which has some other useful resources too.
Read Webmentions work log 20200113 by Jeremy Felt (
Why not, right?
I shipped a great bug yesterday. A big thanks to Chris Aldrich for catching that and sending me a DM today to let me know.
With all my cleverness around separating comment types for display below posts, I forgot to check for cases where there was some kind of Webmention, but no regul...
Remember that one of the hidden superpowers of the IndieWeb and particularly the wiki is that it is a great repository of documentation of prior artwork and web patterns for how others have designed and fixed various problems for themselves. Something like the wiki comments page may be helpful if you haven't come across it.…