Weekly Recap: Interesting Articles 7/24-7/31 2016

Some of the interesting things I saw and read this week

Web-based Push Notifications with Pushpad

Push Notifications A push notification (AKA client notification) is a notification that shows up on one or more of your client devices without you having to explicitly request it — it's "pushed" to you, instead of you having to poll for it. --Source: IndieWeb.org Pushpad Today I came across a beta web service called Pushpad…

Reply to John Scalzi on “How Blogs Work Today”

Replied to How Blogs Work Today – Whatever by John ScalziJohn Scalzi (whatever.scalzi.com)
I think the role of the blog is different than it was even just a couple of years ago. It’s not the sole outpost of an online life, although it can be an anchor, holding it in place.
Does blogging need to be different than it was? I agree with John that blogs seemingly occupy a different space in online life today than they did a decade ago, but I won't concede that, for me at least, most of it has moved to the social media silos.  I think the role of the blog…


Somewhere between the granularity of following my daily updates and my about page here's a quick outline of things I've been doing within the past month or reasonably plan to do in the coming weeks. What am I focused on Now? Searching for something interesting as my next major undertaking Working on an article about Webmention Thinking and…

Webmention + Books = BookMention

Part of my plans to (remotely) devote the weekend to the IndieWeb Summit in Portland were hijacked by the passing of Muhammad Ali. Wait... What?! How does that happen? A year ago, I opened started a publishing company and we came out with our first book Amerikan Krazy in late February.  The author has a…


This page collects (mostly Twitter) @mentions and homepage webmentions of Chris Aldrich, @chrisaldrich, or www.boffosocko.com which don't otherwise directly relate to specific content on this site. If you like, you can also think of this as a guestbook or my personal (non-)Facebook Wall. Go ahead and write something about me on your own website and…

Thoughts on “Some academics remain skeptical of Academia.edu” | University Affairs

Replied to Some academics remain skeptical of Academia.edu (University Affairs)
They warn scholars to €œthink twice€ before sharing their work on the popular social network.
This morning I ran across a tweet from colleague Andrew Eckford: I find academic social networking sites obnoxious, but I don't get the fear and loathing. via @EmmMacfarlane https://t.co/jwYJxJsZJt — Andrew Eckford (@andreweckford) April 12, 2016 His response was probably innocuous enough, but I thought the article should be put to task a bit more.…

Webmentions for Improving Annotation and Preventing Bullying on the Web

Replied to Preventing abuse – Hypothesis by Dan Whaley (Hypothes.is)
There are potential solutions to the recent News Genius-gate incident, and simple notifications can go a long way toward helping prevent online bullying behavior. There has been a recent brouhaha on the Internet (see related stories below) because of bad actors using News Genius (and potentially other web-based annotation tools like Hypothes.is) to comment on websites…

Boffo Socko Now Supports Hypothes.is Annotations

You can now highlight and annotate most of the pages here on Boffo Socko as well as other web pages.